Call And Reply Cantonese (2024)

1. Learn Cantonese Phone Call Phrases

  • 7 okt 2021 · We've compiled a list of the most useful Cantonese phone phrases for each stage of a call: greeting, identifying yourself, transferring the call, taking or ...

  • Do you get nervous when the phone rings?  Telephone phobia is the fear of talking on the phone, though it can even make you afraid of the ringing itself!  Perhaps you fear criticism or judgement from the person who’s calling, or maybe you’re afraid of hearing an unfamiliar voice.  While phone calls can be stressful […]

Learn Cantonese Phone Call Phrases

2. 打返電話 (daa2 faan1 din6 waa6*2 | ) : call back -

  • call back; ring back; reply to a call [華]: 回電話. Level: 3. This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese. 粵. 打返電話 / 打返电话.

  • CantoDict: an Online Collaborative Chinese (Cantonese) Dictionary.

3. Useful Cantonese Phrases For a Phone Call

  • wai2? 喂? · Hello? ; haa1 lo3! 哈囉! · Hello! ; ngo5 daa2 bei2 nei5. 我打畀你。 · I'll call you. ; cing2 man6 bin1 wai2? 請問邊位? · Who is this, please? ; cing2 dang2 ...

  • Check out the most useful Cantonese phrases needed for a phone call. Learn to say them in Cantonese, and get the translations and bonus audio lessons from

Useful Cantonese Phrases For a Phone Call

4. What is "I answer the phone" in Cantonese Chinese and how to say ...

5. 答覆 (daap3 fuk1 | da2 fu4) : reply - CantoDict -

  • 答覆 (daap3 fuk1 | da2 fu4) : reply - CantoDict. This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

  • CantoDict: an Online Collaborative Chinese (Cantonese) Dictionary.

6. Useful Cantonese phrases - Omniglot

  • Useful Cantonese phrases ; Hello (on phone), 喂 (wái) ; How are you? 你好嗎? (néih hóu ma) 點呀? (dím a) ; Reply to 'How are you?'

  • A collection of useful phrases in Cantonese, a variety of Chinese spoken in Hong Kong, Macau, southern China, and in many other countries.

Useful Cantonese phrases - Omniglot

7. Chinese Conversation: How to answer a phone call? - eChineseLearning

  • 5 apr 2016 · In China, the most common telephone opener is “喂 (wéi),” which is similar to “Hi!” or “Hello!” It's a quick way to respond, and it's easy to remember because ...

  • What do Chinese people say when they answer the phone? Learn this essential vocabulary to make better phone calls with Chinese people.

Chinese Conversation: How to answer a phone call? - eChineseLearning

8. Unit 07 - Make A Phone Call II 打電話2

  • Key Words and Expressions ; 打過嚟, da gwo laih, to call back ; 留言, lauh yihn, to leave a message ; 請, cheng, please ; 倒, dou, about ...

  • With our online Chinese classes and courses, you'll soon improve your Mandarin Chinese. Our tutors are highly qualified and will help you build your confidence as well as your Chinese level.

9. How to Say Hello in Cantonese || 10 Greetings You Should Know

  • 1 mei 2023 · You can also use it at the end of a phone call or a message. Cantonese Pronunciation, Mandarin Pronunciation. zou2 san4, zài jiàn. Goodbye in ...

  • Do you want to travel to Cantonese-speaking regions? Then it’d be a good idea to learn some greetings in Cantonese such as hello and goodbye.

How to Say Hello in Cantonese || 10 Greetings You Should Know

10. How to say "Phone call" in Cantonese Chinese. - Drops

  • phone call. 電話. text message. 短信. More Talking on the Phone Vocabulary in Cantonese Chinese. American English. Cantonese Chinese. text message. text message ...

  • Ready to learn "Phone call" and 14 other words for Talking on the Phone in Cantonese Chinese? Use the illustrations and pronunciations below to get started.

11. How To Say Hello In Cantonese: 20 Useful Ways -

  • What Are The Different Cantonese Greetings? · Hello (general greeting) – 你好 (nǐ hǎo) · Hello (answering a phone) – 喂 (wèi).

  • Have you ever experienced traveling to a country without knowing how to communicate with someone? In this blog, you will learn how to say hello in Cantonese.

How To Say Hello In Cantonese: 20 Useful Ways -

12. How to Say "Hello" in Cantonese: 8 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

  • Say wái (why-ee) if you're answering the phone. As in many languages, the way you answer the phone in Cantonese differs from how you would say "hello" to ...

  • Cantonese is a major dialect of the Chinese language, spoken in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and many expatriate "Chinatowns" throughout the world. While it has many similarities with Mandarin, the primary dialect, there are some...

How to Say

13. Contact Us - Korean, Cantonese, Mandarin and English Classes in KW

  • Korean, Cantonese, English and Mandarin Classes in Cambridge, Waterloo, and Kitchener · Call · Email · mAIL.

  • Looking for Korean, Cantonese, Mandarin or English Classes in Cambridge, Kitchener or Waterloo? Register for a class or contact us!

Contact Us - Korean, Cantonese, Mandarin and English Classes in KW

14. Problem of Google Voice Typing (*Cantonese) on Android Phone

  • 14 mei 2019 · I pressed the Return Arrow to go back ... and pressed "Gboard". Under "Languages" it showed "English (Canada) (QWERTY), Chinese (Traditional)( ...

  • Android Help

Call And Reply Cantonese (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.