Resource and Project Planners Settings and Preferences (2024)

Add Holidays On Assignment Adjust If selected, determines whether holiday schedule exception records are added if assignment date ranges are adjusted and the new date range falls within a holiday. Exception records are created on the schedule of the modified assignment. Holidays are defined on the work calendar of the assigned resource. Deselected Add Included Dates After RR End Date Determines the number of days to add to the included dates after the end date of the resource request in the Resource Request panel of the Resource Planner. For example, the URR end date is November 15. The Included dates default to end on November 29. This setting enables you to see the end of the unheld resource request. You can change the default value as required. 14 Add Included Dates Before RR Start Date Determines the number of days to add to the included dates before the start date of the resource request in the Resource Request panel of the Resource Planner. For example, the URR start date is November 8. The Included dates default to start on November 1.This setting enables you to see the start of the unheld resource request. You can change the default value as required. 7 Assignment Color Field Defines the API name of the formula field on an assignment that controls the assignment color bars on the appropriate planner. Deselected Assignment Ordering Defines the API name of a field to order assignments by and, optionally, the direction (enter ASC or DESC). name Assignment Search Fieldset Name Determines which Assignment fields are searched with the text search box on the appropriate planner. Null Assignment Tooltip Field Set Define the API names of field sets containing tooltip fields. The field sets must exist on their respective objects.For more information, see Customizing Tooltips in the Resource and ProjectPlanners. Null Assn Additional Fields Field Set Name Determines the additional fields to display in the "Additional Fields" section of the Create Assignment dialog in Resource and Project Planners. The value is the APIname for a field set containing the list of additional fields.

We recommend you do not add the Schedule field or any fields to the field set which already display in the Create Assignment dialog. For more information, see Create Assignment Fields.

The following do not display in Create Assignment dialog even when they are in the field set:
  • Formula fields
  • Fields from related objects
  • Auto-number fields
Null Availability Decimal Precision The number of digits to show to the right of the decimal point when displaying an availability percentage value in the Availability column in Resource Planner. The value is an integer. 0 Columns Field Set Defines the APIname of the field set, on the contact or project object respectively, that contains the columns to show on the Resource and Project Planners. The default values are Resource_Planner_Columns and Project_Planner_Columns respectively. Clear the value to disable the custom columns feature. Resource_Planner_Columns/Project_Planner_Columns Default Future Days to Show Assignments Defines the number of future days, from today, to display assignments. For example, enter 30 to display assignments that start or end within 30 days of today. 270 Default Past Days to Show Assignments Defines the number of days prior to today to display assignments. For example, enter 30 to display assignments that start or end in the preceding 30 days. 7 Default Resource Image Defines a URL (absolute or relative) that points to the default image to use for resources without a profile photo. Image files of 22x22 pixels work best. /resource/pse__Planners/resources/images/FForce/default_resource_image.png Deprecated:Preload Limit O This setting is no longer used. DEPRECATED: Use New Project Planner O

This setting is no longer used.

DEPRECATED: Use New Resource Planner O

This setting is no longer used.

Edit Requires Staffing Permission Determines whether or not your users require a permission control, with the Staffing checkbox selected, before they can edit assignment schedules. You can create a permission control for the region, practice, group, project or resource that certain users need to modify. Deselected Hide Cost Rate Fields

If selected (true), all cost rate fields are hidden from the Create Assignment dialog for all users.

If deselected (false), the following states depend on FLS permissions for the following fields on the Create Assignment dialog:

  • The Use Default Cost Rate checkbox is shown when users have FLS permission for the Assignment object field Use Resource Default Cost Rate.
  • The Cost Rate field:
    • Shows the resource's cost rate when users have FLS permission for both the:
      • Assignment object field Cost Rate.
      • Contact object field Default Cost Rate.
    • Is hidden when users:
      • Have FLS permission for the Assignment object field Cost Rate, but not the Contact object field Default Cost Rate.
      • Do not have FLS permission for the Assignment object field Cost Rate.
  • The Convert Cost Rate to options are shown only when users have FLS permissions for both of these Assignment object fields:
    • Use Resource Currency For Resource Cost
    • Use Project Currency For Resource Cost

Selected (True) Hold total assignment hours constant If selected, the total hours are held constant when editing assignment hours using the inline edit (rapid edit) function in Planners. When deselected, the end date is held constant when editing assignment hours in Planners. Deselected Inherit Dates for Create Assignment If selected, the start and end dates in the Create Assignments dialog are auto-populated from the project start and end dates. Deselected Inherit Role for Create Assignment If selected, the resource role in the Create Assignments dialog is auto-populated from the Contacts record.When deselected, and you create an assignment from a resource request, the role field is auto-populated from the role specified in the resource request.When deselected, and you create an assignment without a resource request in planners, the role field is blank. Deselected Override Assignment Name Field Specifies the APIname of the field to display as the assignment name in Resource and Project Planners. If this field is blank, the planner displays the Assignment name by default. Null Override Resource Request Name Field
Specifies the APIname of the field to display as the resource request name in Resource and Project Planners. If this field is blank, the planner displays the Resource Request name by default. Null Project Planner Filter Field Set Determines the fields used for filtering in the Project Planner. The value is a field set specifying fields available to filter on. Null Project SearchFieldset Name Determines which Project fields are searched with the text search box on the project planner. Null Project Summary Color Field Defines the API name of the formula field on a project that controls the Project Summary colors. Deselected Project TooltipField Set Define the API names of field sets containing tooltip fields. The field sets must exist on their respective objects. For more information, see Customizing Tooltips in the Resource and ProjectPlanners. Null Record Load Limit Specifies the number of resources or projects for which child data (assignments and resource requests) load per request.

Do not adjust the Record Load Limit without first consulting Customer Support.

5 Resource Planner Filter Field Set Determines the fields used for filtering in the Resource Planner. The value is a field set specifying fields available to filter on. Null Resource Request Color Field Defines the API name of the formula field on a resource request that controls the assignment color bars on the appropriate planner. Deselected Resource Request Ordering Defines the API name of a field to order held resource requests by and, optionally, the direction (enter ASC or DESC). name Resource Request Search Fieldset Name Determines which Resource Request fields are searched with the text search box on the appropriate planner. Deselected Resource Request Tooltip Field Set Define the API names of field sets containing tooltip fields. The field sets must exist on their respective objects. For more information, see Customizing Tooltips in the Resource and ProjectPlanners. Null Resource Tooltip Field Set Define the API names of field sets containing tooltip fields. The field sets must exist on their respective objects. For more information, see Customizing Tooltips in the Resource and ProjectPlanners. Null Respect Schedules

Determines whether schedules and schedule exceptions respect the new schedule start date when assignments or resource requests are dragged horizontally and dropped in the project and resource planners.

When True, non-working days are respected:

  • Weekends are respected by the schedule for the resource request or assignment.
  • Holidays are respected by the resource's work calendar when Add Holidays On Assignment Adjust is selected.

For example, when an assignment is dragged onto or off a holiday, its duration is increased or decreased accordingly. After the assignment has been dragged and dropped into its new position in the timeline, any redundant schedule exceptions are deleted.

When False, if assignments or resource requests are dragged and dropped in the timeline, schedule exceptions remain on any days they were originally added to. Schedule exceptions are deleted when you drag assignments or resource requests outside those original days.

False Restrict Creation Past Dates If selected, you cannot create Project Planner assignments and held resource requests set in the past. Deselected Restrict Editing Past Dates If selected, you cannot edit Project Planner assignment and schedule hours set in the past. Deselected Restrict Swapping Past Dates If selected, you cannot swap the resource on an assignment with a start date set in the past. Deselected Save Column Preferences Determines whether customizations to the width, order and visibility of columns are saved for every user each time they use the Resource or ProjectPlanner.
Note: This setting is dependent on a field set being defined in Columns Field Set. For more information, see Customizing Columns And Filters.
Selected Search Fieldset Name Determines which Resource fields are searched with the text search box on the resource planner. Null Show Availability Column

If selected, the Availability column is visible on the Resource Planner.


Your administrator must also enable Utilization Engine in your organization to display availability in the Resource Planner. For more information, see Utilization Engine.

Selected Use Beige If selected, beige is used for bars in the relevant planner. Deselected Use Light Blue If selected, light blue is used for bars in the relevant planner. Deselected Use Light Green If selected, light green is used for bars in the relevant planner. Deselected Use Light Red If selected, light red is used for bars in the relevant planner. Deselected Use Light Yellow If selected, light yellow is used for bars in the relevant planner. Deselected Use Pink If selected, pink is used for bars in the relevant planner. Deselected Use Purple If selected, purple is used for bars in the relevant planner. Deselected Use Turquoise If selected, turquoise is used for bars in the relevant planner. Deselected
Resource and Project Planners Settings and Preferences (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.