The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)

i The Daily Call. ROBINSON'S GIRCUS AT PIQUA, Tuesday, July People who enjoy circuses will, no doubt, be glad to hear of this. A Special Feature. From now until July 14th, people interested in nicelymade clothing will find some interesting PRICES at Loewi's One Price Clothing House. PRICES THAT WILI.

SELL THE GOODS, and goods such as are found in no other establishment in Piqua. Loewi's Good Clothes Keep Their Shape. This morning we received from Alfred fancy vests that are bound to take; and we are able to quote very low prices on them. If gent think you are due for a new tie, we would advise you to glance at our north window, where you will find a large assortment of the latest things, at. 25 and 50 cents.

Those who call first will get the prettiest patterns. LOEWI, THE OUTFITTER. NOTICE. ments so that all night calls In Undertaking will receive prompt attention from the store or residence. W.

L. CHON SONS. 6-15-1y We have made arrange- CEMENT PAVEMENTS. JOHN M. REID, Contractor for all kinds of CEMENT WORK I use only the Beat Imported Co.

ment in all work. UNO. SI. REID, 205 River 5t. Entertainment.

Miss Margaret Parks will give her third annual Kindergarten Entortainment at High Scheel ITali, on Thursday evening, Juno 11, 1891. "Words are but things; the smallest drop of ink, falling like dew en a thought, produces that which will make -thousands, perhaps millions, -Byron. To Dispel Colds. Headache and Fevers, to cleanso the system effectually, yot gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual coustipation, to awakon the kidneys and livor healthy activity, withont irritating or weakening them, 1180 Syrup of Figs. Bucklen's Arnica Salso.

The Best Salvo in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcera, salt rhoum, fever sores, totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and gkin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfeot salisfaation, or money refunded. Price 25 conta per box. For sale by Brandriff Hedges Tho Cimeinnati, Hamillon Dayton Railroad will sell excursion tickota at greatly reduced ratos to Middlesborough, that marvelOUB city, Illustrative of southern progress. The Tickets aro good going June Juno 17th and returning Juno 22c on gale at nil C.

H. T). coupon ticket offices. For painphlots and full information address E. O.

McCormick, Cioneral P'assenger and Tickal Agent Cincinnati. Prof. Platt, the eye specialist In lenses, will again be at Wendel's Jewelry Store next Thursday and Friday, June 11th and 12th. Some real Novelties in Neckwear at LOEWI'S. See show windew.

PIQUA, June 8, 1891. Velophone No. 67. 1891 JUNE, 1891 Su. Mo.

Tu. We. Th. Fri. Sat.

11 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 0 Tims Oard. TRAINE. Cole $1ghl to Ex nad Detroit 11.59 (2 a. Detroit 4:39 p. Stoa 11.49 Va No.

02-Sunday only 7:11 p. an NOUTH-BOUND THAINI iight .1:34 16.27 a sosmit 111.13 a Ta! -Su sud Detroit 3 7:15 mn So. Ci Sunday only 8:31 m. Refereure inily, dally war LAg, Train No. 60.

Sundar at 6:22 k. m. Old 1.11 0 Post Omce Time Table PIQUA, OITIO, May 12, 1849. Occ open from Ta. m.

to 7 Ea Money Onler Departm't 7 Ofire open Sunday 10 In. Sunday Delivers Window on North side open from 9 to 10A. MAILS ARRIVE AND CLOSE AB FOLLOWS STANDARD TINE FART. WEST. Arrive.

Chase. Arrive. Cos 1:42 m. 8:30 A. m.

6:57 a.m. 7:15 n. 3:31 p.m. 5:30 p. ro.

9.11 p. m. 8:00 p. 15 p. m.

7:00 p. m. 6:66 p. m. 5:20 (wrest of NORTE.

HOGTH. arrive. Clove. Arrive. Clos: 3:35 L.

m. 11:30 m. 11:51 x. 7:00 2:04 p. m.

7:00 ni. 1:20 tat 1:30 p. ru Exprom Pouch from Caciouati end Dayton Ar 4-44 p. express Pouch from Logausport 1:20 p. POR CINCINNATI AND DAYTON NAY DESENT AT 10:30 a.

m. Express l'ouch, 9:00 p. m. H. C.


Knapp left this moruing for Cincinnati. J. Boni Hemsteger was in Dnyton on business to-day. H. Rayle, of Troy, WAS in the city Saturday evening.

Cyrus McCarily started at noou on a trip throngh Indiana. -Martin Nortou spent yesterday in Dayton the guest of friouds. David Weiseuthal, of Lima, was the guest of Abo Louis yesterday. Dr. W.

Coleman was among the guests hore from Troy yesterday. A crowd of Knight Templars win attend a banquet at Troy this evening. W. Lavercomb, Fred. Schlosser and James Livingaton were in Troy to-day.

Harry N. Kyle and J. F'. Hinton, of Troy, wore in tho city Saturday evening. Aliss Lillian Kaiser, of this city is the guost of Miss Lizzie Davis at Sidnoy.

W. H. Ivera left this morning for Marion, and Chicago, on business. Mr. and Mra.

Gilbert Howell loft this morning for Anna Station 011 IL visit to friends. Rev. J. W. Kerr, left this morniug for Monmouth, and will remain over next Sabbath.

Mrg. D. F. Lioklider left at this morning for Ottawa on a visit to friends for'a fow days. Frank McCurdy, of Richmond, was here yesterday spending the day with his rolatives.

Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Pearsov, of Spring Valley, spent Sunday in this city, and left today for Tippecauoc.

Mr. Geo. Pfistner left this morning for Cleveland, to attend the Grand Druid Lodgo that meols thore. Mra. Dr.

A. Bowers returnod nt noon to Dayton after a pleasant It to her sister Mra. C. W. Heanett, over Sunday.

Miss Dora Smith, of Troy, who hag been the guest of friends hero for tho past fow days, rolurned hom*o! this morning. Mra. Mary A. McQuision, of Xonio, Department President of W. R.

passed through the city to-day on hor way to Tolodo. The "Samaritan" doctors who have beon hore for the past few weeks. giving ontertainments and selling their medicine, left ta-day for Middletown. M199 Mary Hall left this morning by way of St. Lonis, for Los Angeles, California, where sho will spend a portion of the aummer the guost of her sister and brother.

Grant Kelly camo down Saturdny from Lima and made the necesgary arrangements for reinoving his houshold goods. Ho and his wife returned to Lima this morning. H. 8. Sternberger and C.

Cron, loft this morning for Dayton whoro they meet a number of Cincinnati furniture denlers and then go to Boston to nitend the National Convention of Farnituro Manufacturers, Two hundred and twenty-nine tickets were sold yesterday for tho excursion to the Dayton Holdiers' Home. The train contained 8 conche9, and the crowd carried with them from this place the silver cornet band. DESTRUCTION BY FLAMES AGAIN VISITS OUR CITY. Two Buildings Almost Totally Do stroyed, Other Smaller Losses, At three o'clock this, morning a blaze was in the year of Harry Bussey': restaurant ou Wa-1 ter St. The alarm at once sounded, the message being sont in Le tho Department by Collie Heifert, night olork at the Bassett House, who was one of the first to discovor the blaze, above the buildings.

'Tho dopartment respouded their prompt manner and it was pet long until they had four streams plying! upou the destructive blaze, which; by that time had gained considerabie headway. The tiro is suppesed, to have originated In the kitchen of! tho restaurant which joined tho rear of the main building on the Come and See Us Monday, June 8. We will give Special Low Prices on Men's and Women's Fine and Medium Grade Shoes, Ladies' Oxfords--all of the Latest Styles, and prices satisfactory all. to Call and we will try to please you. SAMPLE SHOE 202 N.

Main Street, next to May's Drug Store. oust side and was directly back of Rev. A. M. Collins.

the building occupied by Wot. Haines as a barber shop. Mr. Cd. Rev.

A. N. Collins, the TemperRandall states that when ho Orst auto Evangelist, who has been over saw the blaze it was in this portion twenty years In that grout tield, of the building and the supposition preached at Grace Church yestorday is that the Are originated from in the morning and in tho afternoon cook stove which is said to have! with much acceptanco. In the beou loft burning during the night. morning his themio was drawn from The buildingowned by Chas.

May and Paul's words to the Romans: "1 used as a barbor shop caught immo- jam not ashamed of the (ospel of dintely and was totally destroyed. Christ, for it is tho power of God The main portieu of the restauranti, unto salvation to evory one that was also almost totally lieveth." The building of Ed. Raudall was In the afternoon tho audience burnt considerably noxt to whor* room was well filled to hear his Gosthe fire originatod. pel Temperance forniOn. The rear of the Sample Shoe Store Daniel for his pattern he impressed and tho alairs that lend to tho up- upon all present the duty of having stairs were consumed, while the the courage of one's convictions, of panes of glass in the buildings pour knowing what ought to be dono nad were also destroyed by the hoat.

A then doing it without the four of portion of the from the man bofore the eyes. ber shop was removed, while all the gets wearied in hearing goods in the Restaurant were entire- iMr. Colliag, has nn abundance ly destroyed. The fremon worked lot Illustrations, all of them apt hard to keop the fire from spreading, onca, aud enjoys telling them as and were successful in holding it 'much as his heurers do in listening down to these two buildings, them. Ima word he is himself about an hour and a half.

The 411 illustration. of Tomperunco in buildings belouging to Mrs. Ziegon-1 carnest. Me abuses nobody, but onfolder, including the one that was courages all to sober aud tomperoceupled by the saloon, were insured. ato in order that they may be a holp Germauin ef Rochostur for to all they meet, and thus do good $900, $1000 in the Fireman's of while they livo.

He left for Troy at ton, $800 in the Cooper of Dayton. ,5 o'clock as he -was was booked to Mr. Bussoy carried no insurance on preach there at night at the Mulberthe saloon fixtures and they were ry Stroet M. E. Church, all lost, amounting to $1000.

The! Mr. Collins is especially engaged building belonging to Chas. Buy in'organizing Divisions of the Sons was insured for $500 in the Germania of Temperance, and is doing great 1 of Rochester. $200 was carried on good In this way. the building occupied by Ed.

Rundall. Rev. R. E. Smith at Greene Street.

Last eveuing- Uroeno Street As an evidence that the people of Church was the Piqua are making use of the 'former neighbors and friends of Schmmidlapp Free Library we note Rev. it. Smith, A. now laborthe fact that during last month lug again iu. tho tinrerests of books were takon out.

tana University. Ho took for his The Chautauqua Cirole will moot text the last two verses of the tomorrow evening at the home of Epistle of Jude, "Now nuto him that Mrs. Libbis Robisou on Caldwell is able to koep you from falling and SI. at the usual hour. This will be to present you faultless before the the last meeting of the your and it presence of his glory with excoeding is hoped all the niombors will be joy, to the only wiso God our Snpresent.

vior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and over." We uro indebted to Br. A. Hainll- The thought that ran through the ton for samplo of his Bubach discourse was that salvation through strawberrls grown down bolow Jesus Christ is Pleasant Hill. They mensure from that the mun who has turned a perfect to 2 to 4 inches in circumferonce and God with a full purpose of heart la are as luscious as they are large. ontirely free from tho wiles of the One such borry makes two good big Evil One and an evil world.

1u will bites. De kept free fulling. He will bo Leo Werner left this morning for presented faultican. Aud this inDallas, Texas, where ho accepts a cludod the kindred thought that the position in tho Texas and Pacific max who dovotes his life 1a tho serRailroad offico. His many frionds vice of God way live above the doregrot to 8A0 hira leave and hope sire to walk in sinful ways.

to 8A0 hira leave and hope that ho miny ise successful 'in big now home in tho Empiro Stato of the South. J. W. Fillebrown loft this morning at 0:27 on a businesy tour through the South. He will KO through Tonnessoe, Georgin and a19 far south a9 Central Florida, and will return through tho Carolinas and Virginia, being absont perhups a month or six weoks.

Prof. Canvoort desires us to announce that all those who contentplate taking lessons of him this summer will ploaso notify hirn during this week, as lala clase is getting quite large and he can take but very few more pupils on account of gagements abroad. The Y. P. S.

C. 5. of the Freshytorian Church will hold a sooinl In tho Sabbath School room Tuesday ovoning, June P. Tho musical program will commence at 8 o'clock. Admission free: too Cream and Cake will be served in the dining room, All are cordially invited to nttend.

Twenly membors of the Women's Christian Temperance Union in celebration of Flower Mission Day, went to the Infirmary yesterday aftornoon to hold aliort services with the inmates and give each a houquot. After the reading of scripture and and a few prayers and talks by the ladios, the flowers were distributed. The eagerness each one ifested for banquet wag pitiful, and all felt inore than repaid for having done this act of kindness. Two new trains were put on the C. H.

de Railroad yestorday. Train No. Gl will pass this station going south 8:37 a. m. and return nt 7:15 p.

Sunday only, giving those who desire la spend Sunday out of the city a chance, to go In the morning And return in the ovening. Tho night express will arrive at 1:02 instead of 1:10 a. and the Toledo and Detroit Mall will arrive at 2:08, two minutes later. 'The other trains on tho road were not affooted by the tho change. PLUMBING.

Has been added to prepared to fit up appliances. Also ding of all kinds Roofing. A Great P'reacher BeQued. Apropos of Phillips Brooks and his elevation to tho episcopate, it may bo worth whilo to recall the witticisms perpetrated nt tho groat Bostonian's oxpense by Henry Flanders upon the ve. casion some years ago when Dr.

Brooks way under consideration for a bishop. rio. "Who is l'hillips Brooks?" naked an Innocent Philadelphinn. "Oh," Raid Flanders, "ho's an Episcopalian with leanings toward Francisco Argonaut, A Eusband'e Mistake. Husbands too often pormit wives, and parents their children, to sulfor front headacho, dizziness, nouralgia, sleeplessnoss, fils, norvousness, when by the use of Dr.

Miloa' Ilestorativo Norvino such sorions rosulte could onsily bo provented. Druggists evory whor* any It gives universal satisfaction. and lin8 aIL worth de of Fort Wayne, Snow Co, of Syracuse, J. C. Wolf, milledale, aud hundreda of othars gAy is tho greatest seller they over know." It contalns 110 opintos.

Trial bottlos and fine beok ou Nervous Diaonses, free at Brandrtif Hedges and U. H. May's. our line of work and we are also now bath rooms with the latest improved full line of Mantels and Grates. Roofand particular attention paid to Slate Geo.

E. Lee. Carpets, Curtains, Mattings STEAM, AND GAS FITTING Paper Hangings. We show an unuanally largo atock or this season, anch aN GORELINS, MOQUETTES, TAPESTRI AXMINSTERS. VELVETS, BODY AND BRUSSELS.

All Ito Bent Nukes in 3-PlY tat EXTRA SUPER. CHAINS, Rng Medium And LOW- -PRICED INand lomp. Oriental Carpols and mizca; Styrna, Dagestun, Siberia and Rugs. Eagled and Anterican Linoleum and Corticene. MATTINGS! MATTINGS! margu lavolces of China and Japanese In Very Handsome effects, OURTAINS, A VARIETY OF WINDOW PARRIUS, together SHADES, with SASH ANd generul DOOR DRAPERIES stock of HOUSE FURNISHINGS.

WALL AND CEILING PAPERS AND DECORATIONS. A Inryo and woll-selected alook of entirely New 1 Papers In all grades -just out FOR THE SPRING SEASON. tyro Walton, Rulin. Lignomer, Anagly and and other Welles Decorallone. Chair and PicWorkinon calitnaten on sent to any point amt all work gunranteed.

P. M. HARMAN Telephone 391. 80 and 32 North Main Stroot, DAYTON, OHIO. Adrertisem*nt JNU.

C. KELLY, Pros't, Tribune, Sioux City, In. RAY NOLDS, Beacuu and from "Printers' Ink" New York, of May oth. Arkon, 0. Netos, Elgin, Ill.

BEST DAILIES! BEST STATES! BEST ADVERTISING! The Association, known tor short as the "INTER- STATE ASSOCIATED has its membership made up of the BEST DAILY in each of the leading interior cities of Ohio, Indiani, Illinois, lowa, Wisconsin and Michigan. It is organized purely for business purposes. ADVERTISERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE! The best dailies in these States are as follows: OHIO. ILLINOIS. Mansfeld, Ncur, Joliot, Never.

Hamilton, Now, Aurora, Sanduaky, Register. Elgin, News, Yuungalown, Telegram, Peoria, Transcript. Marion, Stur. INDIANA. Jacksonville, Courier.

Pique, Call. Fort Wayno, Nctor. Quincy, Herald. Nowark, La Porte, Icrald. Springfeld, State American.

Canton, Sanesville, Repository. Timra- Record. Elkhart, Nericm. Bloomington, Pantagraph, Register. Columbia City, Commercial, Cairo, Telegraph.

Springheld, fuzctic. Marion, Ottawa, Journal. Xenin, Ourselle. Huntington, Herald. Rook ford, Ssast Liverpool, Tribunc.

Muncie, Times. Decatur, Herald. Ironton, Republican. Logansport, Journal. Moline, Dispatch.

Findlay, Repubtican. Michigan City, Diapatoh. Rook Island, Union. Steubenville, Guzelle. Goshion, News.

Bireator, Free Preas, Akron, licacon and Republican. Danville, Commercial, Norwalk, Reflector. WISCONSIN, Galena, Gazelle. Buoyrus, Telegraph. Madison, Journal, Alerling, Gazelle.

IOWA. Beinlt, Free Press. MICHIGAN. Racino, Journal. Grand Rapids, Stoux Tribune.

Knu Portage, Claire, Register, Arce Preas, Kalamazoo, Telegraph. Telegram-Herald. DoR Moluea, Register. Port Huron, Times. Burlington, Hawkeye.

La Croass, Republiran. Battlo Crook, Moon. Cedar Rapids, Gaze lle. Fon-du-hac, Commonwealth. Flint, Journal.

Dubnqne, Telegraph. Oahkeah, Northeastern, East Saginaw, Courier, Fort Madison, Democrat. Apploton, Post. Jackson, Citizen. Democrat.

(ircon Bay, (lazctic. Lansing, State Republican. Terra City, Republican. Chippowa Falls, Independent. Muskogon, Chronicle.

Keokuk, Constitution- Democrat. Ashland, TEnca. St. Josoph, Mcrald. Marshalllown, Timer.

Manistoo, Ilerald. Afuacalina, Newa-Tribunt. Ionia, Sentinel. Oskaloosa, Iterald. Grenville, Call.

Counell Wu Herald. la, Nonpareil, Adrian, Times- Expositor. Grand Traverse, Clinton, Bay Cliy, Tribune. PURELY JUMIUA Nows, ACHINEIDER, Joliet, Seo'y, BUSINESS. W.

L. BLACK, WHICH ONE? One of HA, dear But alt by a best with maovelour fnec, And clasp a band, Growing cold ny it foeln for tho spirit land- Darling, which one? Ono of us, dear-But one-stunt by the other's conin bier, And look and N'eop, While Cano marble lipa strange alenco keep. Darling. which one? Ono of us, But Fly 911 open grave will drop a lear, And tomoward go, The anguish of an unshared prief to knowDarling, which one? One of us, darling, IL must ho; IL may be you will slip from no; Or perhaps my life may Just ho done. Which one? On the 3d, 4,136 more Italians were added 10 our population nt Now York.

"Just fits the hand." Lenox Soap lathers freely in hard water. Five cents a cake, (12 ounces.) For guaranteed circulation, or any other facts about any of these papers, address JULIUS SOHNEIDER, Secretary A. D. News, Jouer, kuniors,.

The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.