Documentary : RT : June 15, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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just immediately, they simply ignored it, even though it was an opportunity to settle the problem based photocopies and i just use a these on february 24th 2022 rush. i have to announce the start of the special military operation. i address the citizens of russia. i'm giving you the people of the been that's kind of against the public schools and ukrainian society, which is outlining the goals of that operation. the protection of the people in dumbass, the restoration of peace and the demilitarization, and did not civic ation of ukraine with me. so. so we did that to avoid the threat to our state, to get the men to restore balance sheet in the span of security in europe. at the same time, we continued to believe that our priority was to attain the above goals by political and diplomatic means. i would like to remind you that the 1st stage of the special military operation, we agreed to hold negotiations with the representatives of the key of regime they were 1st held in by the roofs and then move to the key. the message we tried to get across was that they should respect the choice made by john best withdraw their troops and stop selling peaceful cities in town. so this was all we asked for saying that everything else could be decided later, but the reply was no, we were fine. it was clearly the order that came from their western master. so you

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can, i will speak about this now as you know, in february and march 2020, to see our troops approached kia. there are many speculations, both in ukraine and in the west about this. what do i want to say about this? because o units were indeed deployed, nicky of the military departments and the security block had different proposals on a possible center action was suspect. there was no political decision to storm the city with 3000000 people. no matter what anyone set a speculator, say the people of my teacher infected was nothing else but an operation to go as the ukranian regime into peace. and they were in the troops with that in order to push the great insight to negotiations and try to find acceptable solutions and the by and the war key of had started against on bus back in 2014 and result of issues that goes to threat to the security of russia not from was surprisingly as a result of us agreements that satisfied both moscow and key if you were indeed reached us. these agreements were put on the paper and initialed and assembled by the head of the ukrainians and negotiating delegation with this means that the solution was suitable for the king of authorities to document was titled agreement on permanent neutrality security guarantees for ukraine. it was a compromise,

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but its key points were in line with our fundamental demands and resolve the problems that were stated as the major ones, even at the start of the special military operations, is to to let me also know that this included the militarization identification of ukraine and we also managed to find challenging outcomes. they were complicated, but they haven't been found. it was meant that the low would be adopted in ukraine binding nazi ideology and any of its manifestations. all of that was written there . in addition, in exchange for international security, guaranteed screening would have limited the size of its own forces. you undertaken obligations not to join the military alliance is not to host foreign. military base is not to station them in continuance and not to conduct military exercises on its territory. everything was written on paper, russia, which also understood ukraine security concerns, agreed that crazy man would receive guarantees similar to those that made to members enjoy without formerly joining the alliance. it was a difficult decision for us, but we recognize the legitimacy of your claims demands. the insured security and did not object to the wording proposed back. yes,

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this was the wording proposed by kiff and we generally did not have any objections . understanding that the main thing was to cease the bloodshed and was done by us. on march 29th, 2022. we withdrew our troops from kiff because we would assure the conditions must be created to complete the political negotiation process and that one of the parties cannot sign such agreements as our wisdom colleagues said with a gun to their head. okay, we agreed to that to however, the very next day after the russian troops were withdrawn from t if the ukrainian leadership suspended its participation in the negotiations with staging the infamous provocation in butcher and rejected the prepared version of the agreements. i think today it is clear why that ugly provocation was necessary to explain why the results that had been achieved during the negotiations were rejected for the past piece was rejected again, as we know now, it was done on orders from western craters, including the former u k prime minister, who said directly during his visit to cass, no agreement rush, i must be defeated on the battlefield to achieve its strategic defeat. thus they began to intensive leaf company, came up with weapons and started talking about the need to inflict a strategic defeat in russia, as i have just mentioned. fortunately,

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sometime later, as everyone knows, the president of ukraine issued an executive order binding his representatives and himself from conducting any negotiations with moscow. this episode, without attempt to solve the problem through peaceful means, came to nothing. again, as for negotiations, now i would like to make public another episode. i haven't spoken about this publicly either, but some of those present to, you know about it. after the russian, i mean, liberated part of the custodians. i put all the regions, many wisdom, politicians off, and then media sion in a peaceful settlement of the company. one of them was on a working visit to moscow. on march 5th, 2022. we accepted his mediation efforts, especially since he said during the conversation that he had secured the support of the leaders of germany and france as well as high ranking us representative. likewise good. even in the course of our conversation of foreign guest, one did an interesting moment please saying if you are assisting don't bass. and just then why russian troops are in the south of ukraine, including in the car, some ends up photos, your region. we responded to the effect that it was out general stuff, decision on finding the operation. and i will end today that the idea was to bypass them for the fight areas built in dung. best over the years by ukrainian

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authorities, primarily for liberating mary oklahoma. then our 4 and colleagues specified a professional man to be fair to him. are russian troops going to stay in the car, some ends up rogia regions. and what will happen to these regions after this special military operation has obtained its goals? i answer to this that in general, i do not realize the preservation of the ukrainian sovereignty over these territories and by degrees provided russia has a stable enbridge to crimea, then a folder and colleagues, specified unprofessional man to be fed to him. russian troops going to stay in the hudson ends up o u. a regents here and what will happen to these regions after this special military operation has attained its goals by answer to this that in general, i do not rule out the preservation of the ukrainian sovereignty over these territories. provided russia has a stable enbridge to find me, means that kiff shouldn't guarantees every tooth, as they call it, a legally formalized right of excess, for russia to the crime in peninsula v i, her son ends up what was your regions? this is a critical political decision and of course can its final versions. it would not be adopted unilaterally, but only after concerts,

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asians with the security council with other institutions. of course, after discussion with citizens, the public of the country and above all, with the residents of the person ends up rosure regions. in the end, that is what we did. we asked the opinion of the people themselves and held referendums to be sure. and we did what the people decided including in the her son, and he's a part of the regions with the end of the next gun, the guns and people's republic. at that time, in march 20, 2240 upon negotiating part. and they said that he was going to had to have the pleasure to continue the conversation with his colleagues. we, ukraine, and capital. we welcome this in general because attempts to find a peaceful settlement to the conflict because every day of fighting men, new casualties and losses, however, the services of the western mediator were not accepted in ukrainians relate to land around the country. as we became aware, they accused him of taking for russian positions in a rather harsh form. it has to be mentioned that is small. now, as i have already said, the situation has fundamentally changed. is we to be sure the residents have had a son, ends up what it was you have expressed in that position and referendums to friends and her son ends up. what was the regions as well as the domestic against the

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people's republic? sarcuse could have become part of the russian federation each year, and there can be no talk of disturbing states. unity reach the people his will to be with russia. we shall be inviolable if this matter is close to whatever. and there's no longer a matter for discussion. once again, it was the west even premeditated and provoked to ukraine crisis. great, it is the west that is trying its best. now, to extend this crisis indefinitely to weaken and unusually, and bit of the people of russia and ukraine, they keep sending in more batches of arms and ammunition. second, european politicians have been recently towing with the possibility of deploying their regular troops in ukraine. at the same time, as i already know, did these puppets, here's the true rulers of ukraine. unfortunately, these are not the people of ukraine, but the global, as the leads from overseas, are now trying to shift the burden of unpopular decisions to the ukraine and executive authorities. including the decision to further lower the conscription age . as you know, the draft eligible age for new training and was recently lowered. do for you to 25

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. they may, will lower it to 23 next time, and then to 20, should go all the way down to 18. so the next thing you know, he put them to, they will get rid of the officials who made these unpopular decisions under pressure from the west. just discard them as if they were expandable and blaming it entirely on and replace them with other officials. also defended on the west luckless care reputation, switch it to your hands. perhaps the idea of counseling the next presidential election in ukraine anthem is that they will have the incumbent team do it before throwing that team in the trash and will continue doing whatever they think is right. in this regard, i would like to remind you of something. keith prefers to forget, the west keeps silent about as well. what is it for to may 2014, the constitutional court of ukraine ruled that quote, if the president is elected for a time of 5 years, no matter whether the election is regular or early enough for the more the constitutional court noted the president's constitutional status implies no norm setting any other office done, and that of 5 years end of quarter, each period to show the court's decision was final and still not subject to appeal

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is due to that was it. what does this mean in relation to today's situation? the presidential term of the previously elected head of ukraine has expired along with his legitimacy months, which cannot be reinstated by any tricks. i will not go into detail about the background of the training and constitutional court's ruling on the presidential term is it is clear that it was made amid attempts to legitimize the 2014 codes. nonetheless, the verdict is past due to 2, and this is a legal fact which makes any attempt to justify today's pantomime of cancelling the election on panama will. in fact, as i said earlier on the car and tried to attempt to in ukraine's history again with a power grab and the constitutional code in 2014, to reiterate an um, which lies at the origin of the current version. so it doesn't let you now to see what you think the circle has closed. just like in 2014 the executive power and ukraine has been. yusef dentist held it legally. see what did you do? in fact, we are dealing with any legitimate government. i will say more cancelling elections reflects the very nature of the events of the car and campers in which grew out of the crew of 2004. what do you mean if it's tied to it then has its roots there?

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and there's the fact that having cancel the elections may continue to cling to power to something that is expressly prohibited by article 5 of the constitution of ukraine to quote the right to determine and change the constitutional order. and ukraine belongs exclusively to the people that shall not be you said by the state, its bodies, or officials helping them in addition to speech, such actions fall under article one, o 9 of the criminal code of ukraine. these which precisely refers to the forcible change or overthrow of the constitutional order, a seizure of state power. here was a new, as well as conspiracy to commit such actions in 2014, such as the patient was justified by the revolution. and now by all still it is, but it does not change the actual state of affairs. in fact, we are talking about collusion between the executive branch of the ukrainian government, the leadership of the vehicle nail down. the bottom entry majority that it controls this collusion is aimed at you setting the state's power. this is the only way to describe it, which is a criminal offense under ukrainian law. next, the constitution of ukraine does not provide for the possibility of cancelling or postponing the election of the president of the country or the continuation of his

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powers in connection with martial law, which they are now referring to. one does that, you claim in fundamental law say it says that the elections to the can be postponed during the martial law. article $83.00 and the granting constitution says that. so the training legislation has provided the only exception when the powers of a public authority are extended for the period of martial law. and elections are not held. the supplies exclusively to the vehicle now yada, through this designates the status of the parliament of ukraine as a permanent body under martial law. in other words, unlike the executive branch, the vehicles and i are the is a legitimate body. now ukraine is not a presidential republic. but a parliamentary and presidential republic, this is the point of view, smart over by virtue of articles on our to 6 and one or 12 in the chairman of the vehicles. and i around acting as president invested with special powers, including and dispute of defense with the security and supreme command of the. unfortunately, everything is spelled out here and like in line for these that do great,

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by the way, in the 1st half of this year, who does ukraine signed a series of bilateral agreements with several european states regarding cooperation and security and long term support. so if a similar document has been signed with the united states as well, since may 21st 2024 or more questions naturally arise regarding the authority and legitimacy, ukrainian representatives who are assigning such documents for 3. it does not matter to us. that them sign whatever they wanted to do, what i remember clearly there is a political and public and i'm going to play here is the united states and its satellite seem eager to support their allies, enhancing their credibility, understanding so to do it, if a serious legal examination of such an agreement is laid to conduct it in the us, not regarding the content, but the legal framework for questions will undoubtedly arise about who signed these documents and with water authority. it might turn out to be old lester rendering the agreement void and the entire structure could collapse. we could to approves, provided there is a willingness to analyze the situation. phone number one can pretend everything is

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normal, but the reality is far from it. i have read it, it is all documented, laid out from the constitution. let me also remind you that following the commencement of this special military operation, the west initiated a vigorous and quite on diplomatic campaign, aimed at isolating russia on the global stage. it is now evident to everyone that this attempt has failed to equipment. however, the west has not abandoned its goal of forming an international coalition of swords against russia and maintaining a facade of pressure on our country. we come for a new profession. we are fully aware of this strategy as well. as you may be aware, there has been active promotion of the initiatives to convene the so called high level international conference in switzerland, on peace and ukraine, and to explore over here. they intend to hold it shortly after the due 7 summit, and you're saying, you know, that as those who essentially fuel the conflict in ukraine through the policies of the organizes of the meeting in switzerland up proposing. yet another maneuver to divert attention and distort the root causes of the ukrainian crisis. many times

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it's missed direct the discussion present to some extent 3 of them, the legitimacy of the current executive power and ukraine. and so it is expected that the conference in switzerland will avoid addressing the fundamental issues underlying the current crisis of international security and stability, including the 2 routes of the ukrainian conflict. despite efforts to present the seemingly respectable agenda, these critical matters are likely to be discussed. we can expect that everything will boil down to general demagogic speeches and a new set of accusations against russia. the idea is easy to read. in the spring and as many states as possible by any means possible and present the matter as if western recipes and rules are shared by the entire international community. as a result, which means means russia must unconditionally accept them. as you know, we would naturally not invited to the meeting in switzerland after all, these are not negotiations, but the desire of a group of countries to keep pushing their policy and resolve issues that directly affect our interests and security as effects. of course, you can disregard. i would like to stress that it is impossible to reach a peaceful solution to the ukraine crisis and to overall europe and security

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without russia's participation, without an honest and responsible dialogue with us. right now, the west ignores our interest while prohibiting kiff from negotiating and keeps hippa critically calling on us to negotiate the notes. it looks simply idiotic system. on the one hand, in march, they are forbidden to negotiated with us and do what we are called on to negotiate, implying that we refused to do so. she said it is nonsense. it looks like we are living in some kind of a fantasy world. meanwhile, they should 1st come on care to lift the bands on negotiating with russia. and 2nd, we are ready to get down to negotiations as soon as tomorrow. so we understand the peculiarity of the legal situation. but there are legitimate authorities that which even in accord with the constitution as i have said 3, if there is someone to negotiate with you. uh, we already owe conditions for starting such stokes as simple and coming down to the following from us. you know, i am going to take some time to recall the entire chain of events once again to make it clear that what time of to say it is not just about the day for us. but

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that we have always appeared to a certain position. and always strive for people to think of something. so these conditions are simple ways, kind of the ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the don't. that's got a little guys, people's republic send her some examples you originally. she was, let me know that they must be withdrawn from the entire territory of these regions within their administrative orders to have the time of their being part of your cranky. as soon as you have declared that it is ready to make this decision, let me begin a re, a withdrawal of troops from these regions and also officially notifies that the defendants. it's plans to join nato, our side we will follow in order to cease fire. starting to go see ations will be issued by us that very moment to them, if you will not, i repeat, we will do this expeditiously before and of course, we also guarantee and i'm handed and safe withdrawal of ukraine in units. informations, of course, we would like to see that such a decision on the withdrawal of troops guaranteed on the line status and the start of dialogue with russia on which ukraine's future existence depends, is taken care of independently based on current realities and guided by the genuine

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national interests of the ukrainian people and not by western order. although there are, of course, great doubts about this evening. but what do i want to say again? what do i want to remind everyone of? so i said that i would like to go through the chronology of events. again, let me let us spend some time on this new grades. and so during the night on events in key of in 2013, 2014. so as i said repeatedly offered its assistance in the constitutional resolution of the crisis which was actually organized from outside. let's go back to the chronology of events in late february 2014, to february 18th through calmed clashes, provoked by the opposition began in queue. yes, but it was a number of buildings including the mayor's office, and the trade unions building was set on fire. on february 20th unknown snipers, open fire on demonstrators and law enforcement officers solution which means that those who are preparing an onto to get through the doing everything to push the situation further towards violence in radicalization. and the people who were on the streets of cuba at that time, expressing that such as sections of the government of that time,

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those were deliberately used as cannon fodder for their own selfish purposes. they are doing the same thing today for sure, mobilizing people and sending them to the slot to deal with this. and yet, what are we doing? what believes? thank then there was a chance for a civilized way out of the situation was it is known that on february 21st, an agreement was signed between the vin, ukrainian president and the opposition. on the settlement of the political crisis. it's guarantors as is known as were official, representatives of germany, poland, on france. the agreement provided for a return to the parliamentary presidential form of government, the holding of early presidential elections loose the formation of the government of national trust. as well as the withdrawal of law enforcement forces from the center of care from one of the surrender of weapons by the opposition for me, i should add to that. they've been holding out around the past along that cool criminal prosecution of the protest. us there was such an agreement that would have stopped the violence and returned the situation to the constitutional sphere. disagreement was signed, although both in cuba and in the west is going to change shape or not to remember

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it either. but just today, i would like to say more about another important fact which has not yet been made public, namely that literally in the same hours of february 21st on the initiative of the american side. the conversation took place with my american counterpart. if the gist of it, because this i knew the american leader unequivocally supported the key of agreement between the authorities and the opposition. moreover, he called it a real breakthrough for me to transfer the ukrainian people to ensure that the violent show up to didn't, across all conceivable boundaries. and further, in the course of our talks, we jointly worked out the following formula. russia would try to persuade the vin president of ukraine to be as restrained as possible, not to use the army and law enforcement against the protesters. and the united states. and turn, it was said would call the opposition slip to order, as they say, to vacate administrative buildings to come the streets. and all this was to create conditions for me, for the return to normal life increase in the country and the constitutional and legal sphere. most and in general, we agreed to work together for the sake of the stables, peaceful,

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normally developing countries in the player we fully kept our word to mean the vin president of ukraine. mister, you know, which one did not really plan to use the army. nevertheless, did not do so and moreover even withdrew additional police units from care. i just want to about our wisdom counterparts on february 22nd, when president look of which left for a kind of golf to attend the congress of m. p. 's representing south eastern regions of ukraine and crimea. radical forces storm dental control of the building and the presidential administration, and the government buildings all in violation of the agreements and guarantees from the west, including both europe. and as i just mentioned, the united states and not a single guarantor of all these political settlement agreement, just wanted to place the night of the united states. you know that europe, anderson did as much as lift a finger to fulfill their obligation. the luxury to call on the opposition to vacate the seas. the administrative facilities enter stopped violent silence up. what is that? it is clear that this development not only suited them, but it's not unlikely that they were the masterminds behind giving them also the very same day on february 26th of 2014 in violation of the constitution of ukraine

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. the vehicle when i arrived at adopted a resolution on the so called self removal of the incumbent, president general rich from the office of president and schedule an extraordinary election for may 25. or in other words, to move an onto the town. and you can still get in by external forces proved to be a success of the way with the silent consent and direct support of the west ukrainian radicals. the railed all attempts to resolve the situation peacefully with them. after that, we focused on persuading t as in the west to start a dialogue with the people in the southeast, in ukraine, and to respect the interest of rights and freedoms. but no, the regime that sees power and included that chose war and launched a punitive operation against the dung bus in the spring and summer of 2014. and once again, rush a cold for peace or stick and we did everything to resolve all sensitive issues at hand, almost within the framework of the mental agreements. but the west of the forward is in cavity was as i have already emphasized, we're not planning on implementing. interested in smaller western counterparts, including the head of the white house. it showed us that convinced agreements were important and that they were committed to their implement in taishan and that

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really their opinion. but what, what do you think would make it possible to resolve the situation in ukraine to stabilize itself? what they tend to take into account the interest of the population of the brain. but that was only rhetoric. in reality, they organized the blockade of the dong honestly, that was in the go to really ukrainian and forces were consistently preparing for a full scale operations. aiming to destroy the domestic and movements people's republics. minsk agreements were buried by the keepers and in the west, i can show it to me. i will reiterate again. this is exactly the reason why russia was forced to launch a special military operation in 2022 in order to stop the war against on the bus to protect civilians from genocide. because we should have the same time since day one . we have been putting forward proposals for a diplomatic solution to the crisis where you propose negotiations and fellows going to kind of see what you propose, you to go to withdrawing troops from us in order to facilitate the signing of the sample agreements, gifts of listing, and all parties and principal were agreed, but these attempts to, we're all going to get turned out with you. so i think you have made a plan to defeat us. but as we know,

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the plan has failed to do that. today we're making one more concrete realistic fees proposal. if it also gets rejected back here from the west, like before, then in the end of the day, it's up to them. it's the political and moral responsibility for continued blood should. obviously the reality on the ground on the contact line will keep changing and those changes won't be in favor of the give region. and the starting conditions for negotiations will be different when i will emphasize the main point. yeah, well it is in our proposal is not for some kind of temporary truce or cease fire, which is what the west once you are, for example, in order to supply reinforcements and more with it was to the key version and prepare it for a new offensive library me see what i will repeat. a proposal is not about present or conflict in the it's about ending and finally and definitively as t v. and then there's, and i will say once again, as soon as give a grace to the course of action that is proposed today and agrees to withdraw its troops completely from the domestic people's republic. little guns, people's republicans use that for rosa and her son regions. and actually start

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implementing this process is it will be ready to start negotiations without any delays. i will repeat our principle position is the following. we insist on neutral is non aligned and non nuclear status of ukraine. it's the militarization and, and that's certification, especially since these requirements were generally agreed upon by all parties during the assembled talks back in 2022. it was the demilitarization was thoroughly agreed with numbers and quantities of tanks and so on. and to say that, excuse everything was agreed upon without a doubt, the rights, freedoms, and interests of russian speaking, citizens in ukraine must be fully insured. she wants to put a new territorial realities, must be recognized as well as the status of crimea, sylvester policies. and then that's going to look into the people's republic solution. she and her son ends up a rosie of region 6. he has constituent entities of the russian federation. in the future is crucial. basic provisions should be formalized in fundamental international agreement. that implies, of course, the lifting of for western sanctions against russia and great things that russia is proposing an option that can bring a real end to the wind ukraine. in other words,

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we are calling for this tragic page of history to be 10 is difficult, as it may be. we should gradually begin rebuilding relation is the process to have a good neighborliness between russia and ukraine and throughout europe as a whole would who do to progress off to the settlement of ukraine in crisis. we including together without parts of the c, s t o and the seo who even today i'm making a significant and constructive contribution to the search for a peaceful settlement of the planning crisis. as well as wisdom, including european countries, will be ready for dialogue and could begin the fundamental task that i spoke about at the beginning of my statement. it was, namely, i mean, the creation of an indivisible system of your age and security that takes into account to, to reach the interests of all the states of the continental without exception. and use, of course, a literal return to the security proposals that we put forward 2515 or even 2 years ago is impossible. that's too much has happened and circ*mstances have changed. however, the basic principles and most importantly, the subject of the dialogue itself are in the and on changed. russia is aware of

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its responsibility for world stability and reaffirms it's readiness to talk to all countries. you remember that this shouldn't be an invitation of the peace process to serve someone selfish will someone selfish interest is read to you about a serious and thorough conversation that will be on all issues on the entire set of issues of global security. but also if you're gonna wanna do that, but we won't carry out in a very concrete way, your instructions, which you have just outlined, detailing the concept of you raising the security within the framework of building a new fair. as you said, indivisible security system based on the same principles, we will continue to help resolve individual crisis situations of which of course, do you cleaning crisis, is the highest priority for us. your new initiative will clearly be used in a variety of situations, including our work within briggs, the shanghai cooperation organization, and the people's republic of china, and with countries of latin america in africa, which have also put forward their own initiatives. but wish have so far been

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completely ignored by those who control ukraine. the a the because they already see here, because they could scroll for ideas and then use email futures. great if and then to the roles, the non c theory of racial superiority finished style. 4 years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war,

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labor comes to and prisons, city well, you know, think she's the media venue. so i'm assuming you need even the, the chest is really to get over the fields going to so many people is going to be approximately 25000 people went through the occupied of go to finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff suddenly level if the shifted utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the size of the stuff. so when you have the congress that i mean, you know what the found in disease forced labor to achieve by the world. and so for me as well as the last, it also need you to continue the city variables. you're off with those who put in his name, push these things up. they give you a feeling that due to the cause of those thousands of testimonies of crimes and the impunity of criminals. nothing more when you've got here, you know, wanted to do this, but it's not even a good idea. yeah. what's a good? i see it or really supplement data besides the good you got to do,

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please don't just duplicate it, but there's being yet that was put in the word along the i was just giving it to you was even as convenient as proof. the western forces concert at the peoples of the mountains as well as of many other places for them, at least sweet one worthy of the starting their own states. they wants to pull their own features and wishes into it. it's impossible to transfer the way of life of some distant place to another space because nations have that own history, the own presence of the teacher, the,

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[000:00:00;00] the full. yeah. so riley, and how does he have his protest is pay for the removal of the government? and from hostages to a ton of the russian defense ministry. the pools advances across the front lines and the premium complex. as it splits is again it keep positions and take out weston westman. as the sofa, the ukraine p summit opens at stores in switzerland, nations around the world boy called the gathering. they say that without rush for

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