My Hero Academia: Mechanical green - Chapter 139 - META2012 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

The rest of the matches were a lot more sane than the match Izumi was in.

That was a lie, they were just as crazy. If not more so in some cases.

During the match Ochaco was in, she showed off her new hammer. By hitting Tetsutetsu so hard he was sent flying all the way over to the other side of the training ground and through the training ground wall. The rest of the match was spent with the opposing team trying and failing to avoid suffering a similar, less violent or painful fate.

They were all sent to Recovery Girl by the way.

And the less said about the match Koji was in the better.

Everyone was looking at Koji with a mix of shocked and horrified looks on their faces. The team who had opposed Koji’s team, Sen, Itsuka, Pony and Ibara, were huddled in the farthest corner of the viewing area, shuddering with fear.

Izumi really felt sorry for them.

They weren’t all 1-A victories though. The match Katsuki was in was a straight victory for 1-B. Tsu, Minoru, Yui and Rikido didn’t stand a chance. Katsuki and his teammates unleashed a blitzkrieg on them. The match lasted only a few minutes and reminded her why she was still so scared of him. Not even Inasa and his overwhelming power could stop him! That, and that Shoto kept using her fire on him, which messed up his wind.

And Kinoko reminded everyone why the ability to grow mushrooms anywhere is f*cking terrifying, and why the self-proclaimed mushroom witch of 1-B was amongst the strongest members of her class.

“Why didn’t we have Momo with us?” Eijiro asked, his entire body was covered in mushrooms.

“I’m sorry, but I wasn’t on your team,” Momo replied with a frown as she sprayed him with a fungicide, removing the mushrooms growing on him. “Plus there’s not much I can do against rapidly growing mushrooms”.

“You could have made a flamethrower,” Fumikage remarked.

“She could have jammed up the mechanism with mushrooms,” Momo countered.

Fumikage nodded, knowing that it was possible. After all, he had the displeasure of having mushrooms grown in his throat. Not a pleasant experience.

Kaina soon got everyone’s attention. “Alright. I hope you all learned a lot today. Don’t be disheartened if you lost your match. There will be more joint training events like this one next year”.
“How soon next year?” Tetsutetsu asked, raising his hand.

“After next year's sports festival,” Shota replied. “By then you’ll have a lot more experience, and having another one before the sports festival would be counter-intuitive”.

Most of them seemed to agree with him. Even though the next sports festival was a while away, all of them would have improved greatly by then. And none of them wanted members of the other class to find out what they were doing or how they were improving.

They were all soon dismissed and headed back to the changing rooms, got changed, and headed back to the dorms.

“That was stressful,” Izumi groaned as they made their way back. She did not like being around Katsuki for that long. It was stressful just being around him. Not helped by watching him easily defeat some of her friends.

“It wasn’t that bad,” Mina remarked.

“I’m not so sure,” Tsu said. “I could have done without that crazy bomber blowing me up, ribbit”.

“That’s oh so true,” Minoru groaned, rubbing his back. “How far did he send me flying?”.

“Far,” was Yui’s reply. She was not happy with Camie. Not one bit.

An enemy had been made today. And she was going to make her pay!

Hitoshi, who was completely oblivious to Yui’s rage, shrugged. “It was a bad match-up. They happen all the time. Sometimes we’ll go up against someone whose quirks ours are poorly matched against to face. But, as heroes, we still have to face them. We can’t just sit back and allow the villain to run wild. We have to deal with them”.

“I wish all heroes were like that,” Izumi said with a frown.

“What do you mean?” Kyoka asked.

Izumi sighed. “About a year before UA, there was an incident I ended up getting involved in. There were several heroes on site, yet none of them were doing anything to stop to villain who was suffocating someone”.

“Why didn’t the heroes do anything?” Tsu asked.

“The villain was made of sludge,” Izumi replied. “To quote one of them. None of us have the right quirk. Well, that wasn’t exactly true, there was a hero present who could have dealt with them, the problem was he was busy putting out a fire and couldn’t help”.

“Oh, I think I know what you're talking about,” Eijiro said. “That sludge villain incident about a year before the entrance exam. Several heroes got into trouble for standing idle, as well as for, causing, emotional, distress-” he said as he realised what some of the news stories said, with one comment coming to mind.

‘Why couldn’t he just let me fall’ .

Izumi lowered her head. This had been a mistake. She shouldn’t have said that. Now everyone has a better idea of what happened to her. They all knew she killed herself, successfully at that thanks to that f*cking heretic. And now, thanks to her opening her mouth and referencing the sludge villain incident, they knew how.

“OK! I am calling a hard stop on this conversation!” Mina said. “Because clearly, this is going places that are making people uncomfortable!”.

Izumi breathed a sigh of relief. Thank you Mina for calling a hard stop, she did not want to say anything about her suicide. She was not ready for that.

“Ok, now that that conversation is on hold,” Rikido said, trying to change the subject. “Anyone think we should tell 1-B what happene-”.

“No,” Izumi hard countered. Only because she did not want Katsuki to find out anything about One for All. But, thinking about it now, their sister class might need to know a few things, like Avalon’s various emulators, the known quirks those emulators can use, the psychic emulator and the damage that can be done with it, and perhaps, the heretics. “Well, not everything, only a few things. One for All, for instance, they don't need to know about that. Or the fact that aliens are real. But there are things they should be notified about”.

Ochaco nodded. “I agree with the One for All and Aliens front. But disagree with telling them about the heretics. All they know is that we got attacked by someone who damaged our souls. That's all they need to know about what happened”.

“We should probably bring this up with the teachers first,” Momo said. “See what they think we should tell them first before we tell them”.

“That would probably be for the best,” Tenya said. “They do need to know some of the things we have been facing lately. Especially the stuff relating to Avalon now that they are on the rise again. The psychic emulator for instance. Weapons that can bypass all known armour and defensive quirks is something they need to be made aware of”.

“We already made the authorities aware of the weapons that can bypass armour and defensive quirks,” Ochaco added. “We just haven’t told them how they are bypassing armour. Mainly because we really shouldn’t know about the psychic emulators. And yes, I’ve told Fifi about it. She’s not happy, but there’s not much she can do until Hilala shows herself. With Avalon having a Cardrian with them, they have access to a lot of advanced tech. And finding her will be quite difficult. Unless she shows herself, they can’t deal with her”.

“And if we stumble upon her, we’re as good as dead because they can strip a man to the bone in seconds,” Denki groaned. “We are way out of our league. Good thing then that we can just leave Avalon to the army to deal with”.

“As long as the army can hold them back,” Hitoshi remarked. “As advanced as they’ve gotten as of late, Avalon hasn’t been stagnant either. And now that we know they have extraterrestrialhelp, it’s going to be a hard fight”.

They all nodded. Whilst thankfully they wouldn’t be involved in the war against Avalon, that still didn’t mean things would be easy for them when Avalon really starts things going. The chaos of war would cause a lot more villains to climb out of the cracks. Which means they will have to deal with them.

And then they have the league to worry about as well, as well as any other evil organisations that show up from time to time. And school work as well, can’t forget that.

Damn, things got complicated for them.

Soon they arrived back at the doom, and Izumi’s mood was instantly improved at the sight of Eri running towards her. “Hey Eri!” she said as she picked her up. “How has your day been?”.

“Great!” Eri replied with a smile.

Izumi smiled back, happy that Eri was happy.

It was then that she noticed that her horn had shrunk considerably. “Did you practise with your powers today?”.

Eri looked away nervously before nodding. “Yep”.

Izumi frowned, a worried look on her face. Now that she thought about it, there were several points in the past where Eri’s horn had gone from large to small during the day, and she had no idea when she had used her powers. Was something going on behind her back? What was Eri using her power on? She could ask but she was scared to. Eri was still recovering from her ordeal, and she didn’t want to cause her any distress. So she decided to wait. Hopefully whatever Eri was using her powers on she would tell her soon.

“Ah crap,” Chiharu suddenly said, looking at her phone.

“What is it?” Izumi asked as she walked over, still carrying Eri.

“Look,” Chiharu replied as she turned her phone to show her what was on it. It was a news report, concerning Detnerat.

Well, sh*t.

Meanwhile, in Nezu’s office. The rodent/bear/principal was busy filling out some paperwork. Accounting really. He could always hire someone to handle the school's finances for him, but he’s always preferred to do it himself. Besides, he could do it far better than any human on earth.

A little something he inherited from her.

He pushed her memory aside. No point in distracting himself on past memories, he had thousands of students to look after. The dead had to stay dead.

Admittedly that was a bit hypocritical coming from him, considering what he and Horoguramu are doing, but he admitted that could be a bit of a hypocrite at times. A problem with High Specs and not being human, some things still confuse him, and can end up saying one thing, but acting out the exact opposite from a logical point of view. So he stopped trying to pretend that he wasn’t a hypocrite and carried on helping people, as heroes should do.

Even if it means doing a few morally questionable things to ensure the survival of as many people as possible.

Horoguramu appeared right next to him. “Accounting again?” she asked, picking up one of the many sheets on the table. “My, you really know how to work well with the budget we have. The last principal didn’t have a budget this good”.

“That’s because he wasn’t me,” Nezu replied with a smile. “How’s our little project’s going?”.

“The Rehab squad is doing well,” Horoguramu replied. “Usagi has fully recovered and has rejoined the rest of the squad. Danjuro and Manami are taking a break, and Beltarous seems to be fitting in amongst them nicely. As for our other project, they're doing fine”.

“Good good,” Nezu said with a smile. Whilst he really didn’t want to be doing this, he needed people he could trust to help protect this school and its students, as well as the lives of as many people as they could, and sadly, his list of people he could trust has been getting a little thin lately. Apart from the teachers, most of the people he previously could trust have become untrustworthy lately by giving their support to suspicious organisations such as the HPSC, RAFT, Detnerat, Feel Good Inc, Shoowaysha Publishing, and the Hearts and Mind Party, among others.

Ah, how useful Ochaco’s Sematick abilities were, uncovering a conspiracy that had managed to evade even him. So useful. Unfortunately, he could not rely on her findings directly, but they did give him enough to work on to uncover his own evidence.

And my word he uncovered a lot.

You’ll be surprised by how much you can find out just by looking at the transfer of funds. Money always leaves a trail, always, no matter how hard you try to hide it. Especially from someone like him.

The first thing that ticked him off to something fishy was that they all used the same law firm, not suspicious on it own, but they also used the same stock broker to cover their stock, Detnerat, Feel Good Inc. and Shoowaysha Publishing were all publicly traded companies, but the same stock broker and law firm, now that was suspicions. It was the same with insurance, data security, offsite storage, you name it, they all relied on the same companies. Even the companies they used relied on the other companies for stuff like maintenance and storage. It was like a web had been formed between Detnerat, Feel Good Inc. and Shoowaysha Publishing, connecting to every company they used, intertwining them within whatever conspiracy they were planning. This MLA was quite sophisticated in its operations. Sadly this was all he could find out on what information he had access to publicly, just who was part of this organisation, nothing about their motives apart from what’s in Meta Liberation War, the autobiography written by Destro, real name Chikara last name unknown as it was not written in his book. Well, none of the modern ones anyway.

Oh how he was glad he had Horoguramu around, she was able to get him a first-edition copy of the book without much issue, from the first print run. As well as a copy of the original manuscript. Which he did sign with his full name.

Chikara Yotsubashi.

Honestly, he could see why later print runs had his last name removed, after all, if people started asking if Rikiya Yotsubashi, the President of Detnerat, was related to Destro, then things would get very complicated.

Still, it was only circ*mstantial, nothing to prove that he was in command of this MLA, or what their agenda was. Despite being told by Ochaco what they were doing, he could not rely on it due to the ‘true words law’. Whilst it seemed like a good idea at the time, the true words law has caused no end of problems for those with mental quirks, such as mind readers being unable to be charged for stealing secrets from people's minds, or those with telekinesis from being charged with things like sexual assault. The amount of sexual predators with mental quirks who are still free because of this law is annoying and horrifying. A revision to the law is being made, but it’ll be a while still before this revised law comes into effect.

Ah, he went on another mental tangent again. Oh dear. He really needs to stop doing that. It’s so easy to go on one when he’s thinking. Oh well, no harm done.

But yes, due to the discovery of the MLA, a large number of his external contacts have just become useless to him. So he needed new ones. Something that even he was struggling with.

He needed people he could trust, especially now that Avalon was on the rise once more.

“There have been some issues as of late,” Horoguramu added. “The school board has once again turned down the proposed changes to the training fields”.

Nezu sighed. Of course they did the old fools. Unlike most of the staff, the school board had remained mostly the same since his predecessor, a bunch of old fools who still subscribed to his predecessor's idea on what the best method to teach the next generation of heroes was, and refused to leave such archaic thinking behind in favour of better methods. If it weren’t for them, he would have made UA a lot more like European schools with its hero curriculum. And he couldn’t get rid of them. Well, that was until he found out that the majority of them had stock in Detnerat.

Now all he needed to do was prove that the MLA was up to no good, giving him an excuse to get rid of them. Which was unlikely from what Ochaco had told him. Trying to change society peacefully from the shadows to be more open to quirk usage wasn’t exactly evil, although she did say that pre-war they were planning on taking over Japan. So as long as they didn’t go back to that, things should be fine.

“Anything else?” Nezu asked.

“Nothing at the moment,” Horoguramu replied. “Blossom is still annoyed by being younger and wants to get back to work, but she knows there’s not much she can do with her child-like body”.

Nezu nodded. As unfortunate as it was, Blossom would have to wait a bit to return to work. He then looked at the time. “Ah, it’s almost time”.

“Time?” Horoguramu asked, a puzzled look on her face. “Time for what?”.

“My meeting with Shinigami,” Nezu replied as he tidied up his paperwork.

“Shinigami?” Horoguramu said. “Didn’t we get a report of her death?”.

“We did,” Nezu replied. “It’s her replacement we’re meeting with”.

“Ah,” Horoguramu said, remembering the unique situation that was Shinigami’s hero career. That when the current one dies, someone replaces them. Sill, who was her replacement?

A sudden and very familiar black portal opened before them. Instantly she went on the defensive and summoned several holograms, only from Nezu to raise his hand as a gesture to stand down. Which she did, reluctantly. But she didn’t lower her guard.

As expected, Tomura Shigaraki, the leader of the League of Villains stepped out, but he was dressed differently. He no longer had all those hands covering his body, instead, he was dressed exactly like his predecessor, skull mask included. The same skull mask the previous Shinigami wore.

Kurogiri then manifested fully, wearing an odd-looking black outfit. “Before you ask, it was his idea,” he said, pointing at Tomura.

“New job, new look,” Tomura said, scratching his neck. "Got to look the part".

“So you are the new Shinigami,” Nezu said. “I hope you’ve been reading up on the material your predecessor left you?”.

Tomura nodded. “There’s a lot she left behind, most of which is scattered across the country. But thanks to Ryuk here-”.

“Also his idea,” Kurogiri added. Honestly, if he knew this would be the consequence of letting him watch Death Note then he would never have allowed it. Of course, Tenko was interested in why his sister was so obsessed with the series that she would take on the persona of one of the characters.

Big f*cking mistake.

“-we’ve been able to move across the country easily. There were a few complications though, All for One developed a device that can force Ryuk to open a gateway somewhere, but we dealt with it”.

“How?” Horoguramu asked.

Kurogiri raised his eyes smugly. “There is a downside to forcing someone to open up a warpgate somewhere”.

A few days prior.

“What the hell happened here?” The Therapist asked as he and Kyudai entered the room. Inside was chaos. It was like someone had set off a large number of explosives in here. Check that, someone had set off a large number of explosions in here. But where had they come from?

“Where’s that navy captain friend of yours?” Kyudai asked, examining the damage.

“Ur, over here,” The Therapist replied, picking up a finger. “And here, and there, and over there, there, there, there, and there. Someone really didn’t like this room. What was in here?”.

“The warp gate transceiver,” Kyudai replied. “It forces Kurogiri’s warp gates to open here instead of where he wants them to go without him even realising it. But, how did this happen? Neither Kurogiri nor Tomura knew about it”.

“Well, someone must have told them,” The Therapist remarked. “Because there was no way they could have done this without someone making them aware of it. Was there a camera in this room?”.

“There was,” Kyudai replied. “We can watch the recorded footage from the next room. It might tell us more about what happened”.

The two doctors quickly made their way to the next room and powered on one of the screens. They then watched the last recorded footage from the Kurogiri recall room.

Who in god's name named the room that?

As expected, The Therapist’s captain friend was passing through the room when one of Kurogiri’s portals opened up. The pretend navy officer ran over to a nearby comm unit to report it just as a large number of grenades, a large box full by the looks of it, flew through the portal before it closed, scattering the grenades around the room.

The captain had no time to say anything before the grenades detonated, and the feed died.

“Well, that proves it, they knew the device existed,” The Therapist said. “But how did they find out? We made sure that Kurogiri never knew of it”.

“I don’t know,” Kyudai said. “With All for One in a coma, we have no idea who took him. And we can’t risk reviving him until we’re ready to transfer his quirk to Nine fully”.

The Therapist sighed heavily. “This is not good. We’re down Tomura and Kurogiri, the rest of the league wants to know what happened to their boss, and without Kurogiri they all have to move a lot more carefully. And we still don’t have anything to tell them. And Avalon is slowly rebuilding. This all could not have happened at a worse time!”.

Kyudai nodded. With everything that’s been going wrong for them lately, the master's plan was in jeopardy. He considered awakening Gigantomachia, but without All for One to control him or Tomura to try and wench control over him, he’d go on a rampage, and he did not want to waste their trump card like that.

Unless the situation improves, they’ll have to keep to the shadows until All for One has recovered.

“Where’s your aviator friend?” Kyudai asked, remembering that The Therapist had two minions.

“I’ve dispatched him to investigate the remains of Humarise,” The Therapist replied. “Their Trigger bombs are quite interesting. I-. We, could use them if I knew where they were hiding them, that is”.

“Surely the heroes have found them by now?” Kyudai said.

The Therapist shook his head. “My friend, have you been paying attention to the Humarise situation? They still don’t know where they were working on the bombs. None of their branch offices or their main base in Otheon had anything on the bombs. The WHA theorised that they had a secret base where the bombs were developed and made, but they are struggling to find it. But, according to what they found out, Humarise were still developing them when they collapsed. Whatever work they have already made on them is still out there, waiting to be found. Sadly I haven’t turned up anything about where this secret base is”.

“A pity,” Kyudai said, although he was silently glad that it hadn’t been found. He had an uncomfortable feeling that The Therapist had selfish reasons for wanting to find these bombs. Despite declaring his loyalty to All for One, he was still cautious around the man. Knowing the man's resume, he was only loyal to his current master as long as it suited him. All for One gave him plenty of resources to work with, and his mutated Nomu were useful. But how long before he jumped ship to work on something else?

“Anyway, now what do we do?” The Therapist asked. “We need a new warpgate quirk, as well as a better cell activation quirk for All for One to use. The current one Nine has is slow, and I can’t risk mutating it. Who knows what my mutation gas would do to not only it but also the other quirks Nine has? And its effects on All for One itself could be disastrous! All for One is one person I am hard countering on mutating”.

Kyudai nodded. “Well, we know where a better cell activation quirk is. Katsuma Shimano, his quirk should work while in Nine’s body. Unfortunately, he and his sister were adopted by Nemuri Kayama, aka Midnight, and now reside within UA’s walls. But it does simplify a few things. Midnight was previously my first candidate to make a warp gate quirk with. It would have operated differently from Kurogiri’s warp gate, you would have to have worn a gas mask to use it without falling unconscious, but with a few other quirks we still have in our possession, we could turn it into a warpgate. Sadly, without All for One, we can not commit to such an operation. We have nothing that can guarantee a successful operation”.

“A pity,” The Therapist said, slightly annoyed that Kyudai also had plans for Midnight. It was so annoying that his attempt to capture her during Dr Necro’s little plan to take over Germany failed, Somnambulist would have been such a useful means to spread his mutation gas. Mutator was good, but he had been a one use weapon, the base quirk he used for that one did not give the user immunity to the gas they produced, and his mutation gas kept that little defect. But Midnight was immune to the effects of Somnambulist.

It looks like he’ll have to either get to her first or find a way to perfect his quirk cloning.

Back in the present, Nezu was laughing like mad, which disturbed both Tomura and Kurogiri. “Is he normally like this?” Tomura asked.

“Yep,” Horoguramu replied. “He likes this sort of thing. Hearing of people who got f*cked over by their own hubris is something he enjoys hearing, among other things”.

Tomura nodded. Yeah, this was going to take some getting used to.

Eventually, Nezu stopped laughing. “My apologies, but, hearing what you did to them was just hilarious! Using their own tech against them. Ah, I couldn’t have come up with a better plan. Tell me, did you also leave a tracking device as well?”.

Tomura facepalmed. “f*ck!”.

Kurogiri groaned. “Knew we were forgetting something”.

Tomura removed his hand from his face before he looked down at something beside him. “Oh quit laughing, you”.

Horoguramu sighed. “Do you have any idea where All for One’s base is?”.

“We’re not exactly sure,” Tomura said, not noticing that Kurogiri was looking at the place he had previously been looking at. “We know it’s on an oil rig, an old one at that. But there was nothing outside but open ocean”.

“I think it was an old Schnee Oil one,” Kurogiri added. “I saw a few old signs around the place. But that doesn't narrow it down much. Plus I don’t remember the coordinates anymore. I think one of the chips the previous Shinigami removed from me held the memory of where those coordinates were, probably as a security measure”.

“That’s unfortunate,” Nezu said. “Oh well, we can still work with that. Any idea of the rest of the league's operations?”.

“I am, I’m just getting settled in before I start my operations against the league and All for One,” Tomura replied. “Need to finish cementing my place as the new Shinigami before I start moving against them. Which reminds me, there are a few of her old contacts that I’m struggling to contact, or even find for that matter. Mind lending a hand?”.

“Oh, I’m sure I can help you find where they are,” Nezu said. “I know a few of them myself. But contacting them may be tricky, some are difficult to find, others are retired. And I’m pretty sure one’s kind of dead”.

“Kind of dead?” Tomura asked. “How can you be kind of dead?”.

“Long story,” Horoguramu replied, remembering who they were talking about. “Very long story”.

“Noted,” Tomura said with a nod, deciding to pursue this any further until it became important. He then got out a file. “This contains everything I could remember about the league's members and operations. I’m afraid I don’t remember much about the latter, I didn’t pay much attention to what they were doing. I just left their own devices unless I needed them,” he said as he passed the folder to Nezu. There was a lot more in there than just that, but what he told him was just the basics. “There’s also all I can remember about the current state All for One is in”.

“My, you clearly are turning your back to your old master then,” Nezu said as he examined the folder's contents, his eyes shining with anticipation. “Fascinating. It’s clear to me now that you no longer support your old master”.

Tomura nodded. “Like my predecessor before me, I cut my strings. Needed a little help though, but I managed it. I want that bastard dead for what he did, not just to me, but to my family as well. It’ll be weird, facing the very organisation I helped make, but I don’t have much of a choice”.

“Of course,” Nezu said. “I suspect that you’d prefer not to use the name Tomura?”.

Tomura nodded. “In private, call me Tenko Shimura. In public, either Shinigami or Light”.

“Again, his idea,” Kurogiri added.

“Can’t copy my predecessor now can I?” Tenko said.

“Of course,” Nezu said as he put the folder down. “I’ll get to work updating Shinigami’s hero profile to match yours, as well as getting you both hero licences”.

“You can do that?” Kurogiri asked.

Horoguramu smiled. “Of course we can. You’re not the first villains turned heroes we’ve dealt with”.

Tenko nodded. “That’s good to hear,” he said. “Well, that’s everything for now. Still have a few contacts to meet up with, and something to give to the WHA. No doubt they need to see this,” he said, holding another file.

“I see,” Nezu said. “Well, I’ll leave you to it then”.

“Thank you,” Tenko said. “We’ll be back in a few days for the hero licences,” he said as Kurogiri opened a warpgate. “Until then, I suggest you prepare for war. Weakened he may be, but he’s far from down for good. All for One is returning, and we need to be ready to fight him,” he said before he walked through the warpgate, Kurogiri vanishing a few moments later.

Nezu smiled before he looked back at the folder and the gold mine of information it contained.

“Do you trust him?” Horoguramu asked with a frown. It was one thing to reform a villain into a hero, but Tomura was different.

“His sister trusted him enough to give him the Shinigami mask,” Nezu replied. “He wouldn’t have it unless she gave it to him. I’m glad her attempt to bring her brother back to the light was successful. It was a pity that she died in the process, but, like her predecessor before her, and all those who preceded him, they knew how they would die. Plus he would have tried to kill us, something he did not attempt to do”.

Horoguramu nodded. This wasn’t the first time they witnessed Shinigami get replaced, so they were aware of the ins and outs of the job.

At least they now had two of Nana Shimura’s descendants fighting against All for One.

There was a sudden beep from Nezu’s phone.

Nezu quickly picked it up and unlocked it. “Oh dear”.

“What is it?” Horoguramu asked.

“It seems my investigation into the MLA has hit a snag,” Nezu said. “Rikiya Yotsubashi, the President and CEO of Detnerat, has just been murdered. Alongside the leader of the Hearts and Mind party, Koku Hanabata, and a board member of Feel Good Inc., Tomoyasu Chikazoku”.

My Hero Academia: Mechanical green - Chapter 139 - META2012 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.