Naruto: reborn as an Uzumaki Chapter 27 - As you can see, I am not dead (2024)

Guys, we won. But at a heavy cost. Nearly 200 lives were lost during the movement and hundreds were injured. The police used live ammunition against peaceful protesters and that resulted in lives lost. But after 3 long days of death and destruction, the government submitted to our demands.

My fiancee got shot as well. She is the real life Mary, the one I used for the Mary in this fic. She's a second year university student who couldn't enter a good university despite having extremely good results. But another person she knew of got in using his quota.

So despite me refusing to take her with me, she insisted and came with me. The procession was confronted by armed policemen and fighting broke out.

I told Mary to back off and I went ahead to fight. I had a bunch of rocks with me. Big ones. Enough to crack an unarmed person's skull. But after initially using tear gas, the police pulled out rifles and shotguns. When I tried to back off, I noticed Mary was just behind me, rubbing her eyes because of the tear gas.

And suddenly, Mary got shot. In that instant, my mind went blank. I couldn't think straight, I couldn't move, I couldn't hear. I was in a daze. But when I heard her falling to the ground with a thud, I snapped out of it. Without thinking about anything else, I picked her up in my arms and ran to the back of the crowd.

A friend of mine saw me and rushed over. He called an ambulance which was luckily close by and arrived within a couple of minutes. We took her to the hospital and were able to barely make it. She needed blood which I gave her since we had the same blood type.

Luckily, the bullet missed her heart and didn't cause irreparable damage. She's still in the ICU but she's relatively stable now. She regained consciousness last night.

I was extremely lucky to come out of this unscathed and Mary was also lucky to survive. But many innocent students and civilians weren't so lucky. I lost 3 of my friends. Well I wasn't really close with them but they were people I ate together with. So regardless, it hurt.

I'm trying to get back to writing to distract myself from the trauma. Please pray for Mary so that she can recover quickly. We were supposed to get married once I got into university which would've happened by the end of the year.

In case you're confused, in my country of Bangladesh, higher secondary level is called college level. Which in some of your countries is called high school. And after that comes university.

Mary is 19 months older than me and began her education two years before me so in that regard, she's two years senior. We fell in love during the pandemic and decided to get married.

In Muslim society, it's okay for people who are not legally old enough for marriage to have a social marriage. With consent from the parents or legal guardians of both sides the marriage ceremony can be held. This is only possible if both the bride and groom show enough mental maturity to do so. While it's considered an engagement legally, it's otherwise a proper marriage.

The backstory of the mary in this fic is relatively similar to that of my Mary. Except for the raping part, I was able to save her before that bastard went that far.

And after her stepbrother's deeds were revealed, he mysteriously vanished one day after he went out. And we never heard from him again. I wonder what happened to him ;)

But anyways, I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm okay and not dead. The issue was resolved last Saturday but the internet was shut down all across the country so I couldn't update. I'll try to get back to writing and I hope you guys will stay with me.

I wrote a few chapters in the meantime (half the drafts for each were already written before this whole incident) so I'll upload them right about now.

The internet just came back and I decided to let you guys know.

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Naruto: reborn as an Uzumaki Chapter 27 - As you can see, I am not dead (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.