Doomsday in Hell - Chapter 17 - InfinitelyPossible (2024)

Chapter Text

“Where is Blitzø?” Millie whispered, and Fizz looked up with a grim smile, “being an idiot again, then. Catch us up to speed, will you, hon?” The plan Blitz laid out was utterly insane, probably the worst one he had yet, and somehow Millie didn’t doubt him for a single second. She smiled weakly. “Well, we have some backup. We’re lucky he’s not gonna see us coming.”

“I heard he was planning on getting rid of my boss,” Verosika drawled, ”so we all came running. This is a little much, isn’t it? We aren’t attacking heaven; we’re attacking some icy asshole.”

“Well, when he has the all-powerful staff of Lucifer, I would say it’s a pretty big deal,” Fizz admitted. “Stay close together and wait for some kind of signal.”

”Tea or coffee?” Silence. “Oh, of course. You can’t speak. Can you tap?” Blitzø clumsily signed coffee, but it could have easily been any other word. Fizz was a terrible teacher when it came to signing; he got irritated too quickly. No,you don’t point your thumb like that! He could hear his voice yell in the back of his mind.

“Sign? I can’t say I know it.”

Of course, a privileged asshole like you wouldn’t; he signed back perfectly. “Let’s call it a tea then,” Blitzø groaned loudly behind the duct tape. I didn’t know we were starting the torture session this early, he thought to himself. f*ck, Stolas needs to get his feathered ass kidnapped before they make me eat tea cakes.

“You have been so elusive. How can someone so small be so difficult to tie down?” Blitzø snorted, tie down. That’s funny, haha. He sounds like one of my scorned ex’s. Tell me I didn’t rail multiple Goetias. I mean, I don’t think I did. Stolas was a goddamn delicacy; none of the other ones would even dare. Apparently. Or, maybe not. “Remove the tape for now.” An Imp crept forward, pulling off the tape.

Blitzø snapped his teeth, pretending to try to bite him, and the Imp flailed back. “Ha! Classic. So, I found out you like to diddle Imp's, just like your brother. Aren’t you hypocritical?” Andrealphus squinted at him. “what? I’m telling it like it is. You walk around like you’ve never tasted the forbidden fruit, you liar.”

”I never slept with her. Also, I was a teenager. Stolas is a grown man.”

Very much so,” Blitzø said, almost mimicking Stolas’s voice. “Why are all you royals such liars and hypocrites? You’re all acting like Stolas is a one-in-a-million rarity, never seen before, never done before. But all of you are f*cking Imp’s on the side; I know it.”

“You are correct; I can name five Goetias currently f*cking Imp’s on the side. It’s only natural, given how many arranged marriages happen, that some of them will grow bored or hateful. And who is there to soften the blow of their failing, miserable lives? Those wishing to profit,”

”Come on, what Imp is going to say no to their boss anyway? Self-preservation, baby,” he drawled. "You’ve never done it; you wouldn’t know. Judgmental penguin. Also, I found your girl’s death certificate.”

Andrealphus smiled slowly. “You know, I figured out your source. My own wife, maybe I should make you read another death certificate, hm?”

”I never asked for information; she must have found out I was ploughing Stolas on the side and sent it to me through the mail. I didn’t even know who was sending it; I actually thought it was that pirate, Vassago.”

”Hm, you shouldn’t trust a man like Vassago. One who prioritises what he believes to be right and wrong. He informed my family that I had befriended an Imp, leading to that Imp’s execution. Forcibly done by my own hand. That is why I like him so much; he sticks to a moral path and never strays. I like people who won’t be swayed by their thoughts or opinions. Unmoving, despite who gets hurt.”

”Because you were so easily swayed and moved when your dad told you no?” Blitzø mocked, “Oh yeah, I’ve sussed you.”

”Perhaps you have,” he smiled warmly, his eyes squinting.

”Listen, if you think I’m going to sit here and plough you, you’re probably right,“ he said, shaking his head. “Well, maybe last week I would have. But I’m trying my hand at not being such a disease spreader. It’ll do you some good, iceberg. Learn from Daddy’s mistakes here and find yourself a nice boy to settle down with.” Andrealphus paused, “Come on, don’t pretend you’re straight to me.”

”That is besides the point; you are not here to be flirted with or slept with. Though I understand the concept being foreign to you. You are here, because I will decide something.” Blitzø frowned. “I want to know if I should keep you when I destroy the entirety of hell. I already have a small list, and it is getting smaller by the day. You might find yourself standing beside Vassago until the day you die.”

”No, no, no, not that boring prick,” he wiggled in his bindings, freezing as Andrealphus picked up a dessert, holding it out. Blitzø wanted to refuse it, but it was a little hard with the icing being pushed against his lip, so he took a bite, gagging to himself. "Ugh, it’s a sweet treat. Where’s the sweet in it?” He complained, “There’s no sugar.”

“Of course you would rather eat out of a landfill, wouldn’t you?”

”Oh, the old Imp’s eat trash stereotype? Okay, wouldn’t you rather bang your sister hell of thrones style you purity line incest c*nts? How’s that for a stereotype?” Andrealphus tilted his head,

“You are not anything like I imagined. I find it hard to think about it. To reason in my mind what he would see in such a delinquent like yourself. Poor, badly spoken, loud, and rude. Maybe he would have liked you when he was a teenager, but unlike you, he seems to have grown up. I have people keep their eyes on him, he seems to never flirt, go out on dates, or to hotels. He is faithful to you.”

No way. Stolas gets railed, right? In those months when we don’t talk, Especially after an argument. He has to—but if anyone tries to steal him, I’ll f*cking—

Blitzø shook his head quickly. “Oh, I was correct in my assumptions. You love each other.”

”Don’t say that sh*tty word!”

”What? Love? I love you. I love you, Blitzø. I love you so much,“ he mocked.

Stop!” He yelled, gasping as pain shot up through his stomach. He keeled over, trying to breathe through it.

“You know, there was a disease once that shot through the Imp population. It killed hundreds; they had no idea how to save the first Imp who had gotten it after catching the flu. You know why they couldn’t save the first one to die? They had never experienced it before. They had never learned how to fix it. You are the first Imp right now, Blitzø.” Andrealphus gestured to his stomach, “I can’t say I’ve seen a such a low Hellborn survive an angelic weapon. Yet, it barely took you down.”

”I’m just that f*cking awesome, that and pure spite.” Blitzø rasped, “You got it all wrong anyway with Stolas. I’ve known him for—longer than you have.” Andrealphus hooted, not unlike the kind of noise Stolas would sometimes make when he was surprised, but Blitzø hated hearing it from him.

I see. The circus Imp. I suppose my father was right. I understand a little more now. He fell for you before you became so insufferable, and now, well, he can’t seem to get rid of his feelings. Pesky things, they are.”

"Yeah, I bet I knew your friend too; we would have been around the same age. Same circles, I probably got with her—“ Andrealphus slammed his hands on the table, and Blitzø snorted, “Oh my f*cking Satan, I knew it; you actually cared. That’s so pathetic,” he laughed. “I don’t know her. But I’m glad you finally managed to be honest for once in your life and get angry at the thought.”

”She was too good for you.” Andrealphus tilted his head. “What if Stolas has been sleeping on the side?”

Good for him.” He said it, not meaning it at all.

”And if I sleep with him?” Blitzø curled his hands into fists and said, "Or Vassago.“

”Shut the f*ck up, you little ice prick. I know what you’re doing!”

“The only reason I’m trying to kill Stolas is because of Vassago. I want to hurt his feelings; he is so fond of Stolas, you see. They’ve known each other just as long as you’ve known him. Isn’t that peculiar?”

”You or he even try it, and I will f*cking make you into takeout food!” He yelled, “Vassago can keep his hands to himself, or I’ll turn him inside out and wear him as a fur coat!”

”I am so thrilled that you love Stolas so much.”

”I don’t love anyone!”

“Hm, not true.”

”Keep saying it; I’ll turn you inside out next!”

”Someone doesn’t like the word love~” he sung, “little tortured Imp.”

”Oh, I am going to ram my entire arm up your feathered ass!” He screamed, “Let me out, puss*." Let’s go!” And to his surprise, the bonds fell away. Andrealphus stepped back with a smile, and Blitzø held out a hand, his gun slipping into it. Always comes back. I should probably get Stolas to look into why that is. He grinned to himself and held it up.

”If you want, lover boy.Oh, this little—Blitzø shot three times, but each was blocked by walls of ice. What about the ring? They didn’t take it away. Just as he was considering squeezing his left hand shut, a block of ice slammed into his wound.

The pain was worse than any appendicitis he got from exploding his organs with too much beezlejuice. Worse than any sepsis from improperly cared for gunshot wounds. Even worse than the initial slash to his stomach. He crumpled like he’d been nailed right in the crotch. Finding air to breathe was hard; he kept trying to get the oxygen into his lungs, but he couldn’t quite manage it.

His entire body felt tense, and his throat felt like it had closed up, as if he were being choked. He grasped his side, face pressed into the ground. “Throw him downstairs with Vassago. We need to start filling these cells before everything begins.” He waved a hand to someone.

Blitzø couldn’t even see who had picked him up. A Goetia? An Imp? All he could see was swirling black in his vision, and he could feel the hot pulse of the wound wracking up his body.

“Well, honestly, I need a distraction or a way to make sure everyone knows I have returned. Without making it seem as though I returned on purpose at this very moment. I have started by asking around for Vassago, kicking up a fuss about him being missing.” Stolas shook his head and said, “I’m not sure what else to do. I’m sorry you’ve been dragged away from the initial fight to assist me.

”Did he break your heart? Blitzo—Blitzø, I mean.” Stolas didn’t respond, “You’re practically family now, then. I’ve had a lot of heart-to-heart with people he’s f*cked over. Not just lovers, friends, enemies, acquaintances. He just comes and goes and leaves destruction as he does; it’s the kind of person he is. Like a moth to a f*cking flame, trouble loves him.”

“I think… I never really told him what I wanted; I only started to imply it recently,” he admitted, and Verosika stepped close, laying a hand on his shoulder.

”would have been the same if you did admit it. He walked out the second I told him what he meant to me. He would have just dumped you on the spot, like you were nothing. I’m sorry, Stolas. He’s…” She trailed off.

“It’s complicated, isn’t it? Being angry but not hating the person. Even loving them in your own way. I am very frustrated with his actions,” he whispered, “but at the same time, I think I have done wrong in many ways.”

”I wouldn’t be surprised if you were completely innocent, Stolas. He’s f*cked over a lot of people who never messed up a day in their lives.”

”I’m sure they have,” he admitted. “I made him feel small. Though he is incapable of listening to me, when I try, he shoots it down. When I stop trying, he starts talking, but by that point, my back is already turned. We are like two stars, utterly unaligned with each other. I think we’re destined to just—burn out,” he rambled. “I always feel like I put in one hundred percent of my effort. I did it in my marriage too, but all I get is people who put in way less than I do. Not even a quarter the effort. I am not even wortha quarter of the effort. Not a text back, not a smile, not a hug,” he laughed. “Not even, are you okay?Not from anyone. And certainly not from him.”

Verosika’s eyes filled with a kind of pity then, and Stolas liked it in a way. That utter look of concern and sadness for him. “Have you spoken at all?”

”several times. Like three steps forward, nine back. He cares; I know it. I think I know it. But he won’t admit it out loud, and when I try to distance us, he starts to panic. You have never seen panic like it: running around, yelling, and trying to seduce me. When all of that doesn’t work, he gets that kicked puppy look, then he gets angry, and then he starts rambling about how he hates himself. I don’t know what to do with any of that.”

”I think... he’s just not ready,” Verosika admitted, “and it’s not your job to fix his damage. If he won’t admit it, drop him. Be strong and firm. He has to get himself together; he has to get his life together, because I think you might be right. Pigs are flying today, Stolas, because I think Blitzø actually gives a sh*t about someone. He wouldn’t be caught dead doing any of this for his other exes.”

“I want to try. We are in agreement to help each other equally,” he said, “my damage for his. We are both unsure if we can survive in each other's orbit, however. We don’t know if it’s possible to love and not hurt.”

”He’s changed a lot from when I knew him; he doesn’t have his sh*t together, but he’s closer, I think, to the semblance of a f*cking person. Start small, Stolas. Small changes. If he doesn’t start changing at least a little, you have to let him go.” Small changes.

“We are in agreement about that. How do I put on a good show to get someone’s attention?”

”Well, you don’t work a tightrope like Blitzø; how do you feel about a duet with Verosika Mayday?” He beamed, his eyes squinting happily.

“Always me. Why is it always me?”

”Yeah? I get the sentiment,” Blitzø muttered.

”Oh my! You’re alive; that is fantastic news. I thought you’d died. Are you still having side effects? Perhaps it is more permanent than I suspected.”

”The big Ozz cooled it down for me for a bit, but it flared back up when Andrealphus hit me, the f*cking dick. Maybe it just needs to heal, but I’m kind of running around, pissing it back off,” he poked at his own stomach, hissing. “So, what kind of problems are we looking at?” Vassago didn’t respond. “How long do I have until I start eating people? Also, why does something like a holy power make youeat people?”

”It’s more consumption. The holy energy is essentially devouring the dark one. This is just my theory because I’ve never seen this before, but you did bite. It’s alright, it won’t kill you; just cause some paranoia,” Blitzø groaned, resting his head on the bars. Then he looked up and winked at Vassago, who frowned back, before his eyes twitched. The look that crossed his face was— Oh no, what stupid plan have you cooked up?

Just to wait for the signal now. “Do you want to plough Stolas?” Vassago choked on his spit,

”Oh no, it’s started.“

”It hasn’t started; just back off!” Blitzø yelled, “No stupid rich Goetia Prince is going to grind on Stolas while I’m still alive. You can’t be all like, Oh, I’ll save your life, give you sh*tty traumatising ass medical treatment that didn’t do dick, then try to grind on the guy I’m seeing. I’ll bite the sh*t out of you—sneaky, bird-stealing pigeon!” He heaved in a breath. “Maybe a little bit of that is the paranoia... but most comes from the heart!”

“Oh, I thought it was casual fun,” Vassago challenged, and Blitzø growled, sinking his teeth into the bars. Vassago watched as he gnawed at the iron, stopping before starting again, each chomping down each bar. It clanged loudly with each bite as he ripped his head back and forth. “I am not trying to grind anyone; I am trying to save my home.” Blitzø paused, “But perhaps you should consider your words. You are not seeing him.”

”Just try it, Vassago! Since you failed to mention licking up Andrealphus’ ass this entire time, You never even told us you were buddy buddy; this guy has been trying to kill us, and you just casually forget you’re childhood friends, and he has a gay ass obsession with you.” He ranted, “So much for trust.”

”I wanted to confirm it truly was him, not that I really knew he had it out for you, Blitzø.” He admitted, “A piece of me still cares, even though we are divided.”

”Yeah, he’s kind of still pissed you got his friend killed; good job, idiot,” Blitzø groaned. “Why did you snitch on him?”

”I was not aware his family would be so openly cruel and disgusting. I was asked for legal reasons; you can’t marry twice. His father heard the rumours, and Andrealphus wasn’t quiet about his platonic affections. I told him the truth. I would not defy an all-powerful being such as him. I had no choice; to be upset is childish.” Blitzø stared, “I am not so cruel, Blitzø. Of course he can mourn, but he is a piece of sh*t. And it has been years and years; he wants to destroy all of hell because of this? Childish. It is that or maybe…”

"Ah, the good old revenge will get you every time. He’s just f*cking crazy, then…I don’t know. His family pumps out weapons apparently, c*nt brother c*nt wife, Christ Stolas,” he groaned. “You should never f*ck people with crazy families; you learned that the hard way.”

He is the one who was ordered to do it anyway. And he did. In exchange for the lives of her children. I check up on them on occasion. They seem... this just seems so incredibly out of character for him. I wonder if it has to do with—“

”You mean sixteen-year-old bright-eyed imp-loving him? Like a decade ago,? He’s a totally different person now. He wants what all royal assholes want: power, money, and people to feed them grapes on a fancy little vine.”

“He is trying to take away the most important things to me, Blitzø. Order, law, justice, and serenity. Home. My home, no matter how little safety it may have, has rules and punishments. And my friends,” he whispered, “because he feels abandoned and betrayed by my actions. We’ve played nice since that day—tea sessions, council meetings—but there was always this dark cloud, this feeling I had. Like he was biding his time, and I was just trying to... maybe earn his favour back. I do care for him, but I really angered him that last night we truly spoke as real friends. I think the reason he is acting this way is—“

“I can’t believe me and Stolas got dragged into your petty relationship, bullsh*t,” Blitzø hissed. “If anything happens, I’ll kick your ass and stab Andrealphus to death, f*ck sake.”

”And how would you do that, little Imp? Should I beat you in a second fight?”

“Oh, you again,” Blitzø groaned, rolling his head up to the ceiling. “What do you want, you feathered freak?”

”Just to gloat about having captured your loved ones.” He mocked, and Blitzø snorted. Idiot fell right into my trap and—

“… one’s?” Blitzø whispered, terror rolling through his body. “Like… pural?” Andrealphus smirked, and Blitzø stood up. “What do you mean captured loved ones? Whose ones? What did you do? What happened?!” He yelled,

”Panicking, are you?” Andrealphus asked, “Stolas, of course,” Blitzø stared, “and the friend he was with. I believe your ex-girlfriend, based on what my sources tell me. I will see you later, Blitzø. I must go greet them.”

Oh no f*cking way—

“Unhand us this instant!” Stolas wiggled in his bindings. “I am so sorry I have dragged you into this.“

”I chose to be here,” Verosika groaned as the guard yanked on her rope. "Well, didn’t choose to be here, but I stayed by your side, knowing these assholes were gunning for your head. I don’t regret it,” Stolas smiled, wavering and shaky. “We’ll be fine, baby; don’t sweat it.”

”Where should we take them, sir?”

”Send the woman to the cells with the other two. Leave my brother-in-law with me,” Verosika growled at the guard, who yanked her in the opposite direction of Stolas. When she reached the basem*nt, if you could call it such a nicely decorated place, she was met with Blitzø, who looked like many things at once. Terrified, horrified, and a little guilty more than anything, “you look like sh*t,” she said, as the guard threw her into one of the empty cages.

"Yeah, well, sh*t happens, then you die. What the f*ck are you doing here?”

”helping Stolas. They caught me.” Blitzø swore to himself, “What is wrong with you?”

”Cannibalistic desires, V.” he muttered, squeezing his eyes shut. “I need a demonic blade pronto.” Vassago winced at him and then turned to face Verosika.

“Hello,” he waved.

”Ugh.” Verosika gripped the bars, pressing her face into them. “Verosika,” she said,

”Oh! Vassago. Blitzø, an update?” Blitzø groaned in response, “I wonder how we would possibly stop it… I think it may be a case of waiting for the wound to heal fully to dispel all of the angelic poison in your body. It may be a time thing.”

”We don’t have time! Where is Stolas?”

”Andrealphus kept him behind,”sh*t. Blitzø kicked the bars. “So, you’re hurt?” He didn’t respond, “How bad?” again, in silence. “Are you dying?”

Not dying,” Blitzø muttered, “just being tortured or something, f*ck, it’s starting to hurt really f*cking badly, Vassago. What do I do?”


”Oh, go and get your PHD. You useless bastard, you suck.” Vassago tutted in response, a quiet hoot of displeasure ruffling his feathers. “I’ll f*cking kill him if he touches Stolas, sh*t! Let me out!” He screamed, shaking the bars as hard as he could.

“Don’t get upset. Stolas will be okay, Andrealphus—“

”You don’t know diddly dick about that guy. I’m not upset, anyway!” He pulled harder, going back to gnawing at the metal like a savage dog with a slab of meat. Meat. He drooled.

“You could both die here, and you still won’t admit it? You suck, Blitzø.” Verosika groaned,

“Shut up, put yourself out with some water or something.”

“Put—what the f*ck are you babbling about?” She glared, and he glared back. “Look—can you still do it?” he stared at her. “The plan, dipsh*t!” Oh f*ck.

“Shiiit, if he comes back— okay, okay, give me a second, and I’ll start.” Vassago sat up as Blitzø wiggled a ring off of his thumb—a new one, Vassago reckoned. He twisted it in his hands and outslid a small blade. Just as Blitzø lifted it, the door opened. Quickly, he slid it into his sleeve.

“Grab that one.” He gestured to Blitzø.

”What?! No, no, we should speak in this nice cell with our friends—wait—OW!” He yelped as the guard yanked him out of the cell. All of a sudden, his legs felt like they were detached, and he stumbled to his knees, gripping his side, his vision swirling around. “Give me a second. I’m going to f*cking eat myself if this doesn’t stop,“ he curled up, pressing his head into his knees. “It stings,”

“Get. Up.” The guard said it, but it sounded more like a threat. Blitzø uncurled slowly, squeezing his eyes shut as he stumbled up to his feet, nails digging into his side. “Walk.” Blitzø shuffled forward, each step feeling as though he was taking a hundred. He felt like the organs in his body were walls crumbling down, his lungs tightening, his heartpounding, andhis stomach churning.

”You took your time, didn’t you, Blitzø?” Though the room was huge and clearly a lame ass throne room, Blitzø couldn’t stare at Andrealphus, the decor, or the piles of icicles hanging from the roof. His eyes immediately found Stolas. “Hurting, are you?” Blitzø glared hatefully and yanked himself away from the guard. “You may go,” he said, waving a hand, and the door shut, leaving the three of them.

”Not bringing Vassago to witness this?” Blitzø asked,

”Oh, he can’t handle such macabre things. No, no, no. Come forward,” Blitzø shuffled forward, eyes staring into Stolas’s. His cape had been loosened, his shirt falling at the shoulder, revealing the bandage underneath, and Blitzø felt awful. He raised his eyebrows, and Stolas blinked in return.Hewas unharmed for now.

“You’re jealous and lame; you want to destroy this because you never got it. Your friend would be so humiliated to have known you,” Blitz snarled, “a shameful, pretentious asshole. Not even quarter the man Stolas is; you’re so f*cking pathetic, Andrealphus.”

“I am going to get rid of the girl in the basem*nt, Blitzø. She serves zero purpose as a brainless whor*.” Blitz bristled, spikes raising slowly. “And Stolas, but congratulations. You may join Red Heaven.” God damn it, he actually did invite me to Red Heaven; I probably owe Loona money for that one.

“I decline; it sounds boring as sh*t—" Stolas yelled behind his gag, shaking his head frantically as Blitzø slipped the blade out of his sleeve and sliced across his hand. He flung the blood to the floor, and Andrealphus moved.

It all happened too quickly and so slowly at the same time. Blitzø dropped to the floor and swept his hand across the marble, and just as the ice shot up out of the ground, he swiped again, and the room burst into light. He heard Stolas’s yell behind the gag and the crashing of ice, but it worked.

The ice cleared, the fluttering of the snow dispersed, and Blitzø came face to face with a stunned Andrealphus. “You’re trapped, you f*cking asshole. I learned this one from the god damn humans,” he panted, “a ritual to trap any demon. As long as you pay the price, Dickwad,” he shot him the middle finger, and Andrealphus laughed. That asshole f*cking laughed.

Blitzø stumbled up, half-collapsing into Stolas as he started to frantically pull the bindings off of him. “Stars!” Blitzø yelled, and the moment Stolas’s hand was free, the stars burst into the room, lighting up the entire palace in swirling galaxies.

“That’s the signal; let’s go!” Fizz screamed, and everyone roared with him as they burst through the palace doors. They immediately met with three Goetia. Asmodeus rose, his body curling into deep flames as he consumed one of them with a scream so visceral that Fizz swooned. “Nice one, babe—get f*cked, Imp-hating pricks!” He slammed his fist into one of their faces, yelping as blood hit the floor.

”I’ve got you covered, Millie!” Moxxie stood on her blind side, shooting bullets into guards who swiped at them. Her movements were clunky, her aim was swinging off by mere centimetres, but the fire with which she fought was incredible. Moxxie felt his heart swell more than he knew it could. He turned, flinching as someone’s gun pointed right between his eyes, and then it was battered away.

“God damn brother-in-law, pay attention, will you?" Sallie complained,

”Sallie-Mae?!” Millie screamed, “What are you doing here?!”

”protecting my sister, obviously. How dare you try to have a throwdown without me? I ain’t losing any more family, you hear me?” Millie’s eyes welled, her hands trembling around her axe, and she swung it again, hitting her target perfectly. “Start advancing in! Let’s go for the prisoners!” She screamed.

“You two, go!” Fizz yelled, Sallie nodded, and she grabbed Millie’s wrist. Millie looked back as she rounded the corner, staring at Moxxie and hoping—just hoping—everything would be okay. “Ow-! You hairy bastard!” Fizz clawed at the hellhounds face, flinching as Loona appeared with a furious growl, snapping her teeth into the hellhounds arm and ripping him backwards.

“Oh, I saw this happening in my dreams.” Goetia beamed, and Fizz looked up, his eyes hitting the staff in his hands. He bolted forward, running as fast as he could—running, running—and the world lit up as it pointed down at them.

”Blitzø? Can you stand? Stand for me, walk for me,” Stolas whispered into his neck. “We must get outside; there is a back entrance.” He pulled his arms around Blitzø’s waist, and the two stumbled out of the room, knocking into the walls as they went.
The ground shook beneath them, light filling the hallways. “What the f*ck is going on?” Blitzø rasped.

”Alright…” Stolas swept Blitzø up into his arms and started to run. Blitzø turned into his chest, tucking tightly to him as they burst outside. Two steps onto the icy path were all he managed before Stolas cried out in pain, and both of them slammed into the ground.

You pathetic, annoying embarrassment!” Stolas turned over onto his back, watching horror as Andrealphus rose up above them.

“He got out, Blitzø!" He yelled. Blitzø gaped in shock,

“You really think some binding is going to hold me for more than a minute? You pathetic idiot.” Blitzø growled back and scrambled himself forward, “Don’t bother, it all stops now. Him, and the people you brought with you.” He raised his hand, and Blitzø flung out his arms, encasing them around Stolas. “Really, Blitzø?”

Blitzø sneered up at him and curled his hand. In a flash of light, his sword appeared, and he pointed it up at Andrealphus. “Fine, have it your way.” Stolas clutched him around the waist, and Andrealphus descended on them like a dark, encompassing cloud. It swallowed them, sucking away their oxygen and filling their lungs and bodies with cold as he lashed out.

Blitzø swung the sword at the same time, and Andrealphus twisted his body. Blitzø flipped his sword into his other hand and swiped again, and Andrealphus screeched angrily as the blade sliced across his arm. “Come on!” Blitzø’s hand trembled around the hilt of the sword, gripping Stolas so tightly to his side that he might as well be crushing his ribs.

Andrealphus held up his hands and in them, growing, large, icy shapes, sharp as his blade pointed right at their heads. “You’re choosing to die here for him?” Andrealphus mocked, and Blitzø faltered, the sword heeling heavier and heavier the longer he held it up, his side pulsing against Stolas’s. He gripped the hilt tighter and held it up again, firmly pointing it. “You might be the first Goetia ever to die for an Imp, Stolas.”

”Yeah? I’m going to be the first Imp to die for a Goetia, not because of one. Ain’t that hilarious?” Andrealphus’s mouth twitched.

“You won’t even try Stolas? Or... can you not fight very well with that pesky injury? Matching ouchies, aren’t you both just so sweet?” Stolas held up a hand, eyes filling with terror as the ice shot towards them.

One Month Later

“Blitzø.” Blitzø tensed up, claws digging into the box he was holding as Stolas appeared, eyes squinting. “I came by your apartment yesterday, but the tenants stated you had moved out.”

”Yeah… Uh,” he cleared his throat, “Loona and I are moving to the Lust Ring for awhile. For a long, long time. It’s been... hard,” he admitted quietly, “but I’m fine. How are you?”

”Healing,” Stolas brushed a hand over the bandage he still had wrapped around his shoulder. “Walking can be a bit of a nightmare sometimes,” he admitted, wiggling his leg. “Are you okay? Without the bullsh*t, please.”

”ah sh*t Stols, I don’t know. Yes? No? Everything everywhere all at once,” he sighed. “I’ve had like—f*ck, how many is it now, three? Four? different experimental treatments. They said, Basically, congratulations, you’re sh*tty for life now.” He pressed his fingers against his side, “It’s sh*tty, but it’s nothing compared to what everyone else is going through.” Stolas’s eyes lowered.

”You haven’t texted or called. I know you are busy, but I would have thought—maybe you wouldn’t worry me so much.”

“I tried? Like eight times in a row. I didn’t know what to say, and—I can’t be around you right now, and you can’t be around me,” he said. “Not with everything that’s happening—it would set... it would make things worse, Stolas. Do you get me?” Stolas nodded slowly. “You ended things, anyway.”

“It’s not an ending,” Stolas whispered.

Wait for me.

Please, wait for me to fix things.


Okay, Stolas.”

“Don’t concern me like this again. At least once a day, check in; tell me how you are.” Blitzø nodded. “I will miss you, Blitzø.”

”You too, Stolas.” He muttered back, “Ugh, f*ck— sh—sor—” He cleared his throat. “See you around.” He stormed past Stolas, barely managing to avoid knocking the box into him and sweeping at his eyes.

“Blitzø?” Loona asked the moment he slipped into the car, “Do you need another reality check?”

”No, no, sweetie, all good,” he cleared his throat. “Stolas came by looking for me, is all.” Her eyes lowered, and then she directed them to the outside world.

“You want my opinion?” Blitzø nodded, “I know it’s going to hurt, but... you can’t put your life completely on hold; you’re doing this practically all alone again. I know you have this idea that you can’t fail again, but—“ She trailed off,

”It’s my fault, Loona. They followed my plan. Anyone who died... it’s all my fault, and I’ve killed him with my wrecked idiotic ideas. I asked him for help, and what did he get in return? Losing everything again. I took everything from him again.”

”Hey, what happened to Asmodeus isn’t your fault, Blitzø. Fizz will… he’ll be okay. I mean, we’re already moving into his place to keep him company. I know he might be reminded of the guy when he sees you with Stolas, but I think you two kind of danced around each other long enough. Just fix your sh*t in therapy, Blitzø. And put a coat on. It’s getting colder out here.”


Therapy. The day blended into the next, bleed into another session, yet another. “What happened really brought up some awful memories for you about your mother, didn’t it?” She asked, and Blitzø shrugged, twirling his fingers together. “You’re scared dating this boy might affect your best friend, who just lost his partner.”

”It was my fault for him getting injured when we were kids, and now for taking away the only person who loved him since day one, whonever hurthim. I might as well have killed Fizz; you don’t get it. He will never recover from this; I know he’s dead. He won’t speak; he hasn’t eaten in two whole days; he’s just wasting away.”

”Grief is a powerful thing, Blitzø. You know this better than anyone else. Do you want to discuss what happened between you and Stolas?” He didn’t respond, “Blitzø. What happened needs to be addressed; you understand why, don’t you?”

”I ruined his life too. His daughter won’t even speak to him. They never managed to implicate Stella in her brother’s crimes, so she got full custody of Octavia. She was so angry at him.”

”Do you think you understand why his daughter might have been upset?”

”She had a hissy fit about him having depression and being with me, or whatever,” he muttered, picking at his nails. “It’s getting cold. You don’t think it’s going to snow, do you?”

”Your struggle with empathy and avoidance of the conversation is happening again, Blitzø.” He groaned at her, “There is a meeting place. It’s like a trauma group,” he groaned loudly again, “but for people who were victims of the last two hell attacks. There are a few demons there that survived with angelic weapons. They might have good tips for you,” he said, taking the leaflet quickly. His heart was racing at the first touch of cold when he left the office.

The meeting was, naturally, bullsh*t at first. He noted quickly that he definitely wasn’t the only Imp, but he was the only Imp who had survived a weapon, something the person leading the group said was very strong of him. Blitzø didn’t respond. “You know what I do?” An Incubus asked, and Blitzø looked up. “Take out your phone for a second.” He took it out. "If you’re ever unsure, take a picture." Whatever’s following, you can’t really do it on camera,” Blitzø blinked.

Thanks,” he mumbled, meaning the words more than he meant anything in his entire life. He looked down at the new scarring on the palms of his hands, their raised angry bumps, and rubbed his fingertips over them. “Any other tips?”

”Some of it’s mental pain too, you know. Whatever you’re seeing is only attacking you because you’re afraid of facing it. Angelic weapons’ll do that to’ya. Like,” he paused, “the angels use fear a lot to control each other, to control the people they attack. No fear? No power. Fix yourself, whatever mental thing is going on.”

“I’ll take your advice.” He declared, determined all of a sudden. “I’ll send it packing, all of it. Even this sh*t,” he gestured to his side.

”Well, baby steps, little Imp dude. It might not ever truly go away; you might get pain or feel tired,” he admitted, “but you can live. It seems like you know how to live anyway.” He gestured to Blitzø’s face, “And—have you got anyone else suffering right now?”

”more people than exist in this room.”

”Go home and hug them, man. Who knows what that will do for you? Try being vulnerable for a second; it feels like sniffing a line of co*ke. Trust.” He held out his fist, and Blitz bumped it. Vulnerable. Okay. f*ck it, why not? I almost died.

With a new sense of purpose, he stomped his way home. He never blinked and barely breathed as he just stared off into the distance. “Hey, Fizz is in his room.”

”Thanks sweetie, I’m gonna fix things,” Blitzø flung open the bedroom door and slammed it behind him. “Get the f*ck up right now.” Fizz flinched, scrambling to sit up and poke his head out of the blankets. “What the f*ck are you doing, Fizz? Wasting away? You pathetic f*cking loser. Get up now!” He screamed, and Fizz frantically started to untangle himself from the sheets, crashing to the floor. “Would Ozzie lay in bed?!” He demanded, “What? You don’t love him?”

”Of course I love him; what the f*ck!” Fizz screamed,

”Then get up!” Blitzø screamed back, “Get ahold of yourself and find a way to bring him back! You have an opportunity here, Fizz; he’s not gone forever. He was unmade. He can be made again. You’re just going to lay here; you’re not going to fight for him?!” He demanded, and Fizz stumbled to his feet. “Let’s f*cking do this, Fizz; let’s break into the prison.”


”That f*cking dick that was licking up Andrealphus’s asshole fled with the staff. Only that ice prick knows where he went. Lucifer can’t be bothered to look at or even care about Lust or Asmodeus; his dick is too hard for heaven right now. His f*cking daughter lost her friend three days ago to the latest attack. The guy was big news in Lust. The entire ring is f*cked, Fizz. Nine people have broken into the apartment already; businesses are shutting down, and everything your chicken loved is destroyed!”

”You’re right, f*ck. I’m a f*cking—“

”you’re not. You’re grieving, and I sympathise. But Asmodeus wouldn’t forgive us for turning our backs on the lust ring right now. Outside these walls, this ring is more dangerous than heaven. What Andrealprick said would happen is happening; order is failing them. The law doesn’t matter anymore. If this happens to the other rings, we are dead, Fizz. We need that sh*tty stick back; we need to stop him from unmaking the other sins.”

”He needs to get close to do that,” Fizz argued. “He got a lucky shot with Ozzie. He was too busy keeping an eye on me,” he whispered.

“It’s not your f*cking fault. I’m calling and texting everyone I know. I’m making flyers too to stick up around the lust ring. I’m going to organise a big f*cking meeting—the biggest party you’ve ever seen in your sh*tlife. A cry for help, from every ring, from every person Goetia, Imp, I don’t give a f*ck; all are welcome. We’re going to get that sh*tty stick back and remake your boy toy. If Vassago won’t get us in to ask, I’ll just force my way in.”

Fizz was stunned to silence. He took two steps and flung himself at Blitzø. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,“ he choked, pressing his face into Blitzø’s shoulder, and Blitzø pulled him tighter to his chest. “I blamed you again; mentally, I blamed you.“

”It’s okay; it’s okay. I get it.”

”No, you just wanted to help Stolas. You love him, and now you’re helping my love, and I’m a terrible friend, I whined about you excluding me and then I just—“ he babbled. “Sorry, can I just cry on you for a second?” Blitzø nodded silently. All of the pain of the month slammed into Fizz, his body trembling and his legs going so weak that Blitzø practically held him up. “Blitzø…? Are you crying?”


Doomsday in Hell - Chapter 17 - InfinitelyPossible (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.